Seeing a face generation glitch in MLBTS has made me mortally afraid of ever touching that game ever again so going 18 years back in time is the most tasteful thing I could've done. Ahead of its time I guess. Better tutorials on the game's fuckton of controls and mechanics could've helped a bit. All they have to do is rerelease this game with better graphics, an extended soundtrack, and Francisco Lindor (don't update the rosters, just add Francisco Lindor) and no other video game has to ever be made again.

Suicune. If you got filtered by this game, I am so sorry. Hilarious QOL issues aside, being realistically ~10 levels below the final boss by the time you get to his team with fuck-you strategies (Scizor omniboost took me out like 6 times) and pseudolegendaries was a deliberate strategy to make you pop off as hard as possible when you actually break through.

This might be the only thing ever that I can't rate. Psychologically damaging. White girl. I didn't beat the final boss. The Taro Train must stop. He has become too powerful

Someone finally beat the TLB after a decade plus. Thank god I don't need to play this piece of shit game anymore. I've won.

If they just removed the ground sections from the game while maintaining the narrative in-between somehow (adjusting the dragon segments accordingly) this would easily be a 10/10. Instead, it's something like a 7. Fuck you Japanese PS2 video game market trends. You ruined my life. This is the video game equivalent of Born Slippy by Underworld.

Input delay killed my dog and turned me gay, but the former might just be the effect of Space Channel 5

Rewatching some of the cutscenes in this game had me grinning like a fucking idiot. It's hilarious but not surprising that nothing else has matched this game's visuals and writing.

what the fuck going on in miami bruh

Joel Embiid was fucking dogshit in this one so rest assured it might be the greatest game ever made

This game fucking sucks and has ruined my life. This is why I have given it a 5, despite not reaching GM on master mode; I am a fake gamer after all. As for the other game modes, Shirase has taken 10 years off of my life and should never be a selectable game mode again, while Sakura just sits there as a puzzle game mode (and is pretty inoffensive, especially compared to Shirase). In conclusion, this is actually the best Tetris (Rez Tetris doesn't count) and I am so scarred mentally that when I close my eyes my mind wanders and I immediately start playing Tetris with my mind. I deserve lifetime pension for playing this.

Going to create a faux-video essay titled something dramatic like "Nintendo Does Not Want You to Play This Game Anymore." and its 30 minutes of me laughing uninterrupted

I have played this game with a:
- Mouse
- Trackball mouse
- Drawing tablet
Each time, it was a spiritual experience. It just fucking works. On an unrelated note Yasushi Suzuki is the GOAT for this art man god damn.

Half a star docked off for no nightmare sequence in Long Island, easily the most realistic part of the previous entry. I'd say, "what were they thinking?" but to be quite honest nobody knows what the hell's even going on in both of these games anyway, and that makes it all the more better. If Nintendo greenlights a sequel I'll probably die.


Played this game for a bit and I have a lot of takeaways:
- This is the best thing to come out of the War on Terror
- This is the best mind control mechanism before or after the War on Terror
- Trillions of dollars of American taxpayer dollars should've been funneled to Rez 2 instead of the War on Terror
- Do not say "unspoken rez"