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surprisingly decent story but they were cowards for not letting you fight the evil lady directly

fun but sometimes it gets so tedious waiting for every single enemy to take their turn -_-

this was obviously a super cheap-ass game but it was decently fun

maybe i'm just not enough of a persona fan or hardcore gamer but the writing was dull as hell and the bosses felt like a silly tedious difficulty spike

i was obsessed with this game for several months when i was 8 after playing it at a friends' house. i would read the wikipedia page and walkthroughs every single day of my life

this was the first ps2 game i ever played and it was so insanely difficult i hate it to this day

it wasn't awful but i just couldn't get into the story. there were too many cutscenes - which is fine once a game earns your trust but ff13 comes on way too strong

lego games just aren't the same now. they're just movie tie ins except not shitty as hell

i remember the writing being surprisingly good (although i was like 12 at the time so) but this game hated my computer

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pretty graphics but 90% of the writing feels like its aimed at preschoolers (drippy is amusing though) and the battle system is just tedious

i am impressed though that they managed to pull off a sob story twice and i actually felt moved. the villain backstories are such a jarring leap in quality compared to the rest of the game

Stockholm Syndrome: the JRPG. someday ill beat Sky SC

i couldnt get into animal crossing im so sorry all my villagers. i havent been back for months

the battle system is fun but it has one of the stupidest approaches to time travel i've ever seen. it doesn't make any sense. it's not clever at all.

i was so bad at racing games as a kid I had to skip every single level... please give us a HD remaster so I can prove my gamer cred