Love the setting. Some great ideas, it isn't 100% stealth. Really frustrating sections between the missions where you have to micromanage your camp. That wasn't fun. Good upgrades though and various characters. Would love to play another game in this style.

So much wasted potential. But still fun.

Addicting as hell and I'm horrible at it.

This is a decent little game but I don't think I liked it as much as everyone else seemed to. Very impressive that it was made mostly by two people. Wonderful music!

This game is relentless in a way that I did not find fun on normal or easy difficulties. So much of the game is about ammo conservation and using the right combos against enemies. You get more ammo by using the chainsaw but fuel is in short supply. It throws so much stuff and upgrades at you but wants you to pick the right combinations against specific enemy types. This takes away a lot of the freedom and leaves every encounter feeling like a rhythm puzzle. The feedback when you shoot enemies is incredible though. They slowly get torn up. Haven't seen another game do that.

I love this game's visual style and animations. The voice acting is great and it's actually funny. But I liked the gameplay a lot less. My fault, not the game's. Did not finish it but appreciated how unique it feels. Wildly colorful and zany.

Extremely fun zipping around the map, picking up and dropping whatever weapons you find. Enemy dialog during fights is wacky weird fun. Cannot stand the story, skipped every cut scene. Didn't feel compelled to finish it. Very fun combat sandbox. Feels old and new at the same time.

It has some great idea and a very cool style. I'm not sure that I like it so much. You can't leave it on idle and you don't make so many decisions while playing. Unlocking cards and builds is the fun of the game and progress is a little slow. Don't love it but admire it.

Great game. Perfect length, smart and fun. Hope a lot of people find and play it. Really good.

It's really good but I thought the third act was a little long. Special and unique game.

I don't like cars and I don't like driving but this Forza game is completely addicting and excessive.

Move at a speed 2x faster than the Doom guy and shoot guns that are indistinguishable and have zero recoil, while being assaulted with endless badge notifications no matter how you play. COD's Warzone identity crisis on full display. This isn't a game, it's hot garbage.

Don't get frustrated! If you take the time to learn how the game wants you to play then there is nothing else like Sekiro. The best swordplay in any game ever. You will become a shinobi. Stop dodging and be aggressive. It's not flexible like other Souls games. The animations are God-tier. Eventually you get an ability to turn enemies to your side and set them to fight each other. So much fun. For me, endlessly re-playable.

It's not terrible but it's caught between the Warhammer games and Three Kingdoms. The trade and resource system is new and good. The battles aren't always the most fun. Should not be anyone's first Total War.

It gave me nausea but I couldn't stop playing. Probably the best game of 2021.