i cannot fathom how anyone can play this all the way through and claim it’s the haters that are wrong. this isn’t silent hill, this isn’t even P.T.— this is a first person snoozefest that throws all subtlety out the window in favor of a poorly acted, milquetoast melodrama that claims to touch on the subject of suicide and depression but is so scattered and unsure of what it’s trying to say the end of the game is basically “uhh don’t kill yourself actually, here’s the suicide hotline”. there was an interesting segment that intelligently and creatively painted a picture regarding generational trauma and familial abuse, but is dropped just as quickly as it’s introduced.

the gameplay is abysmal, walking around the same corridor over and over barely interacting with anything before being thrown into a chase sequence that can only be described as lightly jogging from an enemy that is slower than you and making obvious turns less you turn into a dead end and experience a boring one-shot kill animation that does not change once throughout the whole game. every chase segment is poorly thought out especially the last one, none of them are challenging, but the monster will be on the other side of doors as you open them so it’s very unlikely you’ll be able to complete a nightmare segment without having to restart at least once.

the short message is lazy, dramatic, surface level, and entirely carried by its asset and lighting artists as well as what little Masahiro Ito contributed to the presentation. Konami is testing the waters to see what new gen fans are willing to accept from this defunct, creatively bankrupt franchise and this P.T. rip off walking sim is not what people should want or expect from Silent Hill.

second best game of the year hands down. incredible music, visuals, and combat. incredibly challenging and rewarding. the weightiness and creativity of the combat system is a lovely breath of fresh air for the survival horror genre. performance is incredibly exaggerated, it runs just fine with limited hitching. that being said shame on Krafton for their use of Denuvo and their consumer unfriendly ToS. story’s alright, but we all know that’s not why you’re playing it. definitely recommend this game.

How do you improve upon perfection? By upping the stakes, the character development, not worrying about catching lightning in a bottle again and allowing the story to flow and let Clementine grow and experience multiple beautiful facets of life not yet tainted by the apocalypse. The drama is unreal, with more twists and turns than ever before-- containing some of the best moments and arcs from any game period. You'll love these characters, you'll hate them, you'll cry your eyes out, and you'll never forget the goat Kenny.

i like souls games, and i seriously love the combat in this game, when it clicks it’s so much fun. but the random difficulty spikes and lackluster gear/multiplayer systems just kill the fun for me, i think i’ll stick with sekiro.

the first half of the game is fucking brilliant— with incredibly creative puzzles and moderately challenging combat as well as a brilliantly immersive and terrifying atmosphere. the monster designs are fantastic and the game is very funny, unfortunately it starts to drag as it goes on due to increasingly worse rooms with frustratingly convoluted puzzles and level design, with a horrendous display of enemy spam that would make Miyazaki cry.

this game is the most upsetting thing i’ve ever touched in my life and nothing else even comes close to the amount of stress and discomfort this shit put me through.

one might be hesitant to start this one as the first half is incredibly banal, yes it possesses an interesting and unique aesthetic and concept but in execution it’s boring, the combat and movement is jank, the puzzles are weird, and the overall vibe is not silent hill in the slightest. in fact, it’s too easy. far too easy. the apartment serves as a saferoom that is accessible almost everywhere and heals you fully, making the game a cakewalk and allowing you to hoard healing items since you’ll never end up using them.

that all changes when you reach the second half of the game, and your “safe space” turns hostile, no longer healing you and randomly spawning disturbing anomalies throughout that you must track down and eliminate using limited resources that aren’t always easy to find. it’s not like you can avoid this place either since you still have to go back to save, swap out items, and collect lore dumps.

it doesn’t help that you must also watch over your neighbor and escort her throughout the entire second half of the game, doing everything in your power to prevent her from taking too much damage otherwise you receive the bad ending. that alone is enough to make this one of the hardest survival horrors of all time, but also the most tense and stressful.

this game is also just plain terrifying. with a legitimately scary antagonist and some of the creepiest and most disturbing set pieces and events in the franchise. the atmosphere and scares in conjunction with the gameplay makes for the most gut-wrenching, stressful, frustrating, sweat inducing gaming experience of all time.

Emotional. Powerful. Intense.

stunning graphics, fun puzzles, brilliant sound design, and a solid improvement on the original. i'm convinced Amicia De Rune is the best female videogame protagonist of all time. in all reality, this should be game of the year.

i'm really glad i replayed this. it's a shame this game generally isn't a very good first time experience, but running through the story again knowing what to do and solely allowing myself to focus on the music, the art, and the symbolism i ended up having a blast. i truly appreciate the effort and details team silent put into this entry as well as the unique identity this game has not only within it's own franchise, but survival horror as a whole.

of course it’s not as good as new vegas. still brilliant.

my personal favorite john wick simulator.

i’m not playing this game like a mil-sim, no sir that’s what the first one was for— this time around infinity ward has absolutely perfected boots on the ground movement, bringing back the dolphin dive and making it useful for once. at this point in my life i find nothing more cathartic in a game than to pick a random loadout and go ham. i’ve sunk so much time and gotten so good at this game it should be considered a crime. i had mixed feelings at first and the game certainly had a rocky start but at this point i can safely say this is one of my favorite shooters of all time.

this game perfects difficulty without stress. at no point during any of my playthroughs on any difficulty did i dread getting to a certain point in the game. the quality of gameplay combined with the creative monsters and tasteful gore makes this one of my favorite survival horror games of all time.

this is the star wars i fell in love with—thematic, heartfelt, and a blast from start to finish; improves on its predecessor in every conceivable way while maintaining a familiar feeling as if no time passed at all. the pacing of the story and the turns it takes are unique and exciting, the characters have even better writing than before, and the combat is more fun than before. a textbook perfect sequel.

crispy critters! this game’s garbage lmao. i couldn't even finish it. 4 hours in and i'm having a miserable time. feels jittery and unsatisfying. beautiful world and artstyle but has some of the worst and most unintuitive level design I've ever seen. every moment of this game was aggravating and feels like missed potential. Mick Gordon killed it with the soundtrack but that's about it when it comes to the game's strengths. once you leave the facility and are thrown into the open world it becomes a barren, tedious slog. the game was already testing my patience with the 40 minute intro but the shitass enemy design and awful objectives sealed the deal and i jumped ship.

top 5 best looking games of all time. the combat is so ridiculously fluid and addicting. the story is heartfelt with an excellent score. this game truly makes you feel like the batman. taking off half a star for the lack of proper boss fights and a crummy arkham knight reveal. overall, completely peak.