53 Reviews liked by gromrpuss

My mom and I broke a mouse from this game

Pretty sure I downloaded this off some weird website on my laptop when I was 9 years old and installed a couple viruses with it

i think Mario kart should replace the koopa shells with this game's superior actual fucking guns

Kinda dumb, but also kinda fun. Final decision is incredibly stupid, fuck Chloe.

Actually had a lot of fun with this. It just oozes charm and the gameplay is just fun and responsive.
I've never even played the games it's a homage to - like Banjo Kazooie and Mario Galaxy - but maybe I should check those out sometime? I can definitely see the appeal of the genre.

Equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking. Why is the saddest ending also the best ending?

So damn addictive! Just a damn fun game that perfectly encapsulates the idea of "one more run".

Honestly really good and very interesting world and premise, but it is just so fucking hard. No shot I'm ever getting through this game, even though I managed to scrounge together an entire party. I just hit a wall where the areas I have left to explore are too challenging to get through and having to constantly run back to the one safe place to save after exploring bit by bit became more tedious the more progress I was making.
It would be much better - or I would at least be more inclined to complete this - if there were some more save points so that hitting some unexpected coin flip kill point or having to reset due to a lousy battle didn't feel like so much work and wasted effort.

Another game in the sub-genre of walking simulators set in space wherein you investigate what happened to the previous crew, but this one is actually very engaging, much like Fullbright's originator of the walking sim genre - Gone Home. Much like Gone Home, I love this game. There's really nothing much to say, you explore a space station and piece together what happened to the crew and it's all wonderfully told and voice acted and engrossing. Solid little game and I look forward to the next Fullbright experience greatly.

See, I'm not sure how these types of games are supposed to be played. It's brutally difficult, but there are no permanent buffs you can buy for your characters after each run to make things more manageable. Sure, you can buy new facilities and equipment that might drop in the world, but I never felt like I was improving in a tangible way - which makes me not want to continue doing subsequent runs. I've played a lot of roguelikes in my time and but none of the ones I've actually finished feels like you're starting back at square one (literally) when you start a new run.

Short, sweet, ultimately unremarkable compared to other indie gems that attempt to explore similar themes.

Good game in the line of Papers Please and so. But the difficuty progression just gets tedious in the end

This game blew pretty much all expectations I had out of the water. The game has SO many different variations and playstyles, it's nuts. And just when you think a mechanic has outlived its welcome, they either modify it, or move on to another one.

The only weak link in this game I'd say is the story; it can be kind of tropey at times, and the end feels extremely rushed, but outside of that, I really dug what this game was going for. If you have a really good friend to play through the game with, I highly recommend giving this a go.

Great aesthetics and level design that are ruined by what I find to be horrible controls and an unusable camera. It's revolutionary and I'm super nostalgic for it, but playing through it is quite annoying unless you are accustomed to the controls and camera.