53 Reviews liked by gromrpuss

When people think of Mario 64 you can think of a few things depending on a few things. You either think of the fun of Bom-Bomb Battlefield, flying with the wing cap, or climbing Whomps’s Fortress. Or you think of falling off of Rainbow Ride because you moved slightly to the left, climbing up Tick-Tock Clock to collect all 7 stars, or just the general frustration with the camera.
I think both of these points are valid but I think what completely overrides the negatives is the amount of MODS this game has. I mean you have multiplayer, all new level, some people even made whole new games with the exact same engine! Personally I think M64’s biggest problem is the level design later on but the modding community is so creative and constantly working on a new project. With Mario’s excellent movement in this game people have made astonishing levels around it.
If you haven’t given some of them a shot I insist you do, heck they even added multiplayer to the game. Without mods M64 might’ve been a 3 1/2 or 4 but with them, which is really the only way to play, it’s just some of the best Mario gameplay you can get.

By far the most fun and exciting movement in any platformer, a lot of stars require treading the same ground though and a handful of worlds are a slog to complete. 100 coins works for a few stages but for the most part they aren't all too fun to collect. Timeless and held in high regard for great reason though.

Cool game that's very Civ-like but has more going on in the way of complicated royal family dynamics, similar to a Crusader Kings.

I have not been this impressed with a Grand Strategy game in a long time. Takes old mechanics and systems passed by the genre and breathes new life into them in a very cool way. All the while, the addition of people and stories provides interest through the duration of a game. Excited to keep playing!

Before Your Eyes is a thorough, deeply personal exploration of memory and the impermanence of life, one so powerful and important that, besides being equal parts life-affirming and devastating (both of which I cannot exaggerate the qualities of enough), I believe, earns it a legendary status as one of the very few pinnacles of art or any other medium in the 21st century. This is what it's like to live another life. This is what video games are for, to transport you into a world in a way that no other medium can. One of the rare, one-in-a-billion video games that deserve the title of art rather than entertainment. This is one behemoth step forward for gaming.

Time, and by extension life, passes in the blink of an eye. Every moment, good, bad, whether it be something you wish to cherish eternally or something painful that you want to put away forever, need to be held on to. Because your memories are your life, and you need to hold each and every single one dear, because you never know when they'll be taken away. So live your life, and live it well, because your life is your legacy and the way you live it is everything.

Nails the feeling of being a totally disempowered fuckup disaster so hard it's actually difficult to get through at times

I wish I was as chill as the mega rich light-bending guy.