Yeah I gave it a 4 1/2, fight me. "ooh it aged bad," i will Kill You.

Played on PC, I loved it on Saturn but the save crystals ramp the challenge up to ferocious heights in a game that's already hard with save scumming. I Love This Shit, games that require practice and mastery of their controls and systems are my jam. Tomb Raider works on such a consistent set of rules that by the end game you can eyeball a room and figure out where you can and can't move.

Also the variety of locales is incredible, I'd recommend playing just to see the crazy ass final levels.

The story is great, Lara is just a callous villain who is purely out for herself, she is incapable of introspection or finding a deeper meaning in her actions and I love her for it. She spots a fucking T-Rex roaming the earth? She draws. She doesn't give a fuck.

Recommended for cool good looking people, ugly people who smell will not enjoy it.

Played this on layover in Detroit. Yeah I sat next to people and whipped out my fucking PSP to play Persona. Pimp move. Anyway game is way too long for me to ever see the end of it but there is a ton of charm to it, excessive style and substance. I can see why the series is a hit but I can't see myself ever getting to finish one.

A lot of people here have been filtered by the levels with ghosts and ghouls, to which i say: Lol.

Real shit though, this is a good game, would be the only good game ever made if Thief II wasn't a Masterpiece Of Time. This is my favorite game ever though out of pure nostalgia, I played this one for hours mastering it, listening to the incredible drum'n'bass ost, and getting immersed in the INCREDIBLE storyline. The pacing is godlike, and the escalation to the incredible finale is so well-earned. Thief Gold fucks up this pacing by adding in 2 of the worst levels ever (thieves guild and mage's tower) and one pretty cool level (the opera house.) I wish there was a way to just play The Dark Project as originally intended but there is a cheat to just skip levels. Do NOT play the Thieves Guild it is like 3 fucking hours long.

It's moody, atmospheric, immersive, you can spend hours getting lost in the world and when you get up to use the restroom you'll feel like you just stepped out of VR. it's so good and the developers should be allowed to legally kill one person of their choice each as reward for working on it.

Perfect Game. Story, gameplay, level design, sound design, it's all here and in plain view. Each level is full of stories, world building, interesting NPCs, and so much to do replay and master. This is, for my money, the greatest game of all time.

this game taught me an important lesson about hoping for the best as a child.

scrubs talk shit on the later levels, but this was one of the first games i remember when i was young that had no boring bits. no stupid minigames, no underwater escort boat mission, no weird gameplay diversions, just Halo being Halo.

damn, you guys heard about this one?

this was the only pokemon game i ever had any interest in as a kid, and replaying it recently i had very good reason to: you get to play as totodile and have a companion squirtle you can name "Linkara."

Sekiro Heads Wouldn't Last 10 Minutes In Samanosuke's World

real talk though making you control a game on the Xbox controller's D-pad is the funniest shit ever and prevents this game from scoring higher.

yeah it's a musou game, has a lot of dudes on screen at once. impressive amount still tbh.

but why does the music go fucking crazy? this soundtrack is awesome.

a lot of charm, dirty early 2000s british humor, and a remarkable amount of variety for moment to moment gameplay. sadly some of the variations are Shit That Isn't Fun, but the animation and ideas on display are honestly too endearing to hate.


If You Talk About How Games "Aged Badly" I'm Fucking Stealing Something Out Of Your House

Having beat it now I understand what put me off it at first: the Ashina Outskirts is a really rough way to open your game. Chained Ogre and Blazing Bull are fascinatingly bad bosses for this game and it's stunning they are so early in the game. Once I beat Ashina and the Guardian Ape I knew I had to finish the game.

God damn does it get good and stay good from then on out. This is so easily From's best game of their modern era (armored core fans represent) and it's impossible to go back to Souls games knowing they can make a combat system this interesting.

I will complain however about the lack of difficulty options. Oh yeah, I'm going there. I'm not talking about easy mode, even though there's no reason the game shouldn't have one, I'm talking harder modes. Kuro's Charm and the Demon Bell suck and barely count. I'm talking something equivalent to Ninja Gaiden's expert difficulty selections, where each one gives you remixed enemies, enemies unlock new moves, and items are in different spots. It's such a brilliant way to do difficulty that only NG and DMC have done.

Other than that, I was dead wrong, the game is really good. Elden Ring feels like a tremendous step back after playing through this.

i LOVE the Tomb Raider series and there is a lot about this game I like but it's also in the hall of fame with DNF and Metroid: Other M for "Very Upsetting Depiction of Women."

I set the voices to French and skipped every cutscene and came away with a really fun action-adventure game with an awesome climbing system and gorgeous visuals. I recommend you do the same to feel any positivity towards this game, if you watch the cutscenes you will feel like you are watching a snuff film.