These games are so close to being my ideal AAA games, as they have a focused progression instead of some open world shit, but this one bungles the delivery by being way too fucking long. By the final stretch I was begging the game to wrap this shit up and it just flatly refused to. What started as an extremely positive playthrough ended with me exhausted and exasperated at this game.

the cowards finally gave Lara some muscle definition. Also her characterization in the trilogy has been very funny in how the writers seem almost uninterested in giving her any heroic motivation beyond "bad guy wants thing I want." This was her motivation in the originals, but Lara made no bones about her own ego and greed driving her goals, she was very cutthroat and out for herself. This Lara fakes some kind of altruism for gunning down hundreds of dudes.

The disconnect is at its highest here. A villain tells Lara, "do not take this dagger." she takes it, causes a cataclysmic flood, and the villain is like "ah, dumbass!!" Lara is what a D&D nerd might call stupid good, when in the previous ones she was more lawful evil.

Gameplay is still really good though, god I love playing these games.

hideki kamiya was the first man bold enough to ask, "what if the combat in a 3d game was good?"

every platformer in the early 2000s had a mandate from the government that the fun jumping levels had to be broken up with the worst minigames you ever played in your life. sly cooper follows this mandate to the letter.

Writing is bottom of the barrel. Pagliarulo is one of the worst writers working right now and he is next level bad here. With terrible writing and mediocre RPG choices you are left with a barely passable shooter and base builder. Fallout 76 is superior in that its just a shooter and doesnt have Preston Garvey.

a lot is said about DOA being insatiably horny but not enough on how incredible the holds are. pulling one off makes you feel like a God.

i don't think there's a single multiplayer game i put more time into than the zombies on weed zm server. RIP to a real one.

Ohhhh I like this game, but the middle section is so meandering. Half the fucking game is a water level before it gets REALLY badass near the end. It does have one of the most humanizing Lara moments though, where while flying a plane before the final section, she spots a bomber jacket she thinks looks cool and wears it for the rest of the game. she just like me fr.

Said it was the best combat system From had ever made but after playing through Sekiro I am taking that comment back 100 times over. This game just isn't that fun to me. I still love the art style and world, and some of the bosses are really great. Shit like the Chalice Dungeons brings to light just how barebones Souls combat is when divorced from the incredible context these games can build, it's just straight boring.

Also I resent this game for making people refer to these games as the "soulsborne" series. You can just call it Souls. I know which games you're talking about.

Recommended if you like shitty platformers.

This is one of the strangest gaming experiences, as it can fluctuate from a half star to five star in an instant. the pacing is not as solid as NGB and is almost gleeful in its own incoherence, but goddamn NG2 is like nothing we will ever get again. It's unbelievable this game exists at all

It says a lot to how fucking crazy Ninja Gaiden II is that someone new to the series could go from Sigma 1 to Sigma 2 and think, "Damn this game is way more bananas than NG1."

It's still NG so I can still have fun with it, but wow the shop system is so bad. Legitimately what were they thinking. Hayashi seems like a good producer but a lot of bosses that get through on games he directs are just bizarrely bad (Gamov, Statue of Liberty) and yeah, the twin armadillos are really stupid in NGII but they at least have more going on than "attack the hands of a big thing" boss fight.

If this is the only way you can play NG2, yeah it's not bad. If you have an Xbox One, NGII actually runs well on it and can be found at most game stores for about 13 bucks.


Very fun gameplay but one of the most insufferable stories I've ever endured. I had to mute the voice acting entirely because the actor playing Zag delivers the worst british accent I've ever witnessed.

Great game to play on mute, ignore the dumb as fuck YA novel story.

this is like a romhack of Tomb Raider, which I genuinely respect about it. It just kills you for not paying attention for even a second, I can't believe these games were huge releases in its day. While nowhere near as tight as Tomb Raider I and lacking the highs of Tomb Raider II, it's at least more consistent than TRII while having more diverse visuals than TRI.

Getting the PC version to work though, that feels like such a crapshoot. Sometimes it works perfectly and other times it refuses to open and in ways I can't easily replicate to try and figure out what the problem is. I absolutely don't recommend playing the PS1 versions of any of these games unless you love blurry textures and save crystals.

I have not played the vanilla game in so long that if you showed me a video of the game with no mods i'd ask what you were playing.