fun game, cool world. i like doing lots of side quests and there was a ton of them to do. played 141 hours and still didn't finish them all.

idk why this game gets so much hate i really liked it. i wish there were more cases to play through but i still got about 60 hours of gameplay before restarting in new game +. lots of fun character moments and i thought the combat was pretty enjoyable even though that seems to be a big point of contention.

fun game, other players are very helpful in teaching new players the basics. it can be pretty confusing to try and figure out more late game mechanics so i personally just tended to stick to farming, making pies, and upkeeping graveyards (which i still found fun).

fun, chill game. if you rush through it you won't get much playtime out of it but if you take your time to have fun with the drawings i think you get your moneys worth.

very fun game to play with friends. i've been playing since release and have enjoyed all the changes and updates that have come out, looking forward to what they continue to do to develop it further.

best zombie game. great base game content and using mods is very easy and simple. best played with friends imo.


very fun to play, especially with friends. i have been playing since 2021 and have enjoyed the updates that have come out. now that the game is fully out i can still say it is very fun to replay and it has lots of great story and exploration content.

great game, lots of replay value with the different characters you can marry and the different farms to try out. fun solo and fun with friends.

very fun the first time you play it, very fun the 5th time you play it. great game solo and with friends.

fun game, fun dlc. lots of exploration and side quest content as well as the different routes you can play through in the main story. i really liked building settlements, although without dlc the builds are pretty limited (and a bit ugly, but hey, it's the apocalypse)

fun game, great story, gorgeous visuals. not great for replaying since it's a very linear story but exploration is still very fun. a bit expensive for how short the playtime is, but i think it's worth it with how pretty it is.

fun game, i'm personally a bit too scared to play it solo but it's very fun with friends. i love the building system especially.


super fun, very pretty game. i'm not a roguelike fan but this is the exception.

fun to play with friends, the other characters are a bit stupid sometimes when playing solo or without a full party, but not to the point that it really takes away from the game.

pretty fun. i like the exploration aspect a lot.