(Played on switch through the Mega Man X Legacy Collection)

Good things:

-The stages are really good. Highlights for me were Overdrive Ostrich Stage, which lets you drive a hoverboard motorcycle, and Wheel Gator Stage, which takes place on a giant awesome dinosaur tank
-The weapons are still fun to use, even if they are a little less cool than Mega Man X1s. Charging the speed burner opens up secret locations that seemed impossible to get to, you can platform on enemies with the crystal hunter, and the x-buster gets an awesome double shot with the arm upgrade. The only weapon that wasn't fun to use was the strike chain. Its not fun to use on enemies, and it requires almost pixel perfect timings to obtain some of the items (I'm looking at you, heart tank in Crystal Snail Stage)
-It is very flexible with minimum backtracking 100% playthroughs if that's how you want to play

Bad things:

-The OST is just okay. A huge step down from X1s OST
-It suffers from trying to continue X1s perfect but simple story. The plot was also remarkably predictable, but I guess that doesn't matter much anyway since it's basically impossible to play it without getting spoiled. Future X games and even the Mega Man X Legacy Collection itself basically spoil the whole game
-There are a lot more frustrating instant deaths like the spikes in castle stages 2 and 3 and being crushed by giant blocks in Magma Centipedes Stage
-Like every Mega Man game, every boss has a weapon that they are weak too that you can get from beating a different boss. This is an amazing concept since it provides more thought and strategy into making and executing an order to play the levels in. However, this can make a couple bosses very boring and stale by exploiting their weakness and not having to try at all. The good news is that this is much less of a problem than it was in X1 and Mega Man 2. Some of the bosses are actually easier if you just use the x-buster optimally compared to using their weakness

I hope to enjoy this game more whenever I get to replaying it, especially because it's a lot more flexible with minimum backtracking routes as there are multiple ways to 100% it without backtracking at all. This was one of X1s biggest flaws. However, playing this game through the first time didn't mean much to me since I used a guide for all of the non-castle stages.

Basically I think it's Mega Man X1 but just a little bit worse (at least for now). But definitely play X1 first that game goes crazy. I'm looking forward to what X4, the Mega Man Zero Series, and Mega Man 11 have to offer (I don't know if I will play X3 or not yet since it doesn't seem as good as X1 and X2).

Some pikmin fans hate pikmin 2 because of its unfair dungeon system. Some pikmin fans hate pikmin 3 because the main story is really easy. Some pikmin fans hate pikmin 4 because of the auto lock on system that you can't turn off. But it seems that all pikmin fans can at least respect pikmin 1, and that's a worthy accomplishment for any game in any video game franchise.

It's a perfect blend of difficulty, high stakes, story, atmosphere, satisfying dandori, and a unique clash of art styles were the enviornments are realistic but olimar and the pikmin are cartoonish. Also the wii remote and nunchuk work incredibly well here, and the game wasn't originally designed for a wii remote but rather a gamecube controller.

Every true gamer needs to play pikmin 1 some day.

I was not expecting it to hold up THIS good. Great introduction to the Mega Man Series but I will fire whoever designed Wily Stage 4 and its boss from Capcom permanently.

Also the metal blade is my new favorite power up In any video game ever.

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Silly but gets reallllly old quickly. Once I found out that there was post-game after the 4th world, I just gave up. Wish tomodachi life got a sequel on Switch instead of an uptaded version of this game but whatever. I liked the randomness of the combat though.

Pretty disappointing after playing Mega Man 2. The stages after the main 8 bosses are way too tough, the weapons felt under powered, and the level design felt bland to me. It has trouble with theming its stages after forgettable boss concepts like "hard man" or "magnet man" compared to Mega Man 2's simple but memorable bosses like "heat man" or "air man." The slide mechanic and rush, Mega Mans dog, are welcome editions to the classic series at least.

I can't believe it took me this long to try this game out. I had it ever since I got my SNES classic a few years ago but I guess I never thought much of it? But when I saw how highly rated this game was on this website, I thought I would give it a shot, and boy I'm glad I did.

By 1993, Capcom's Mega Man Series was getting... stale. Somehow they managed to pump out not 4, not 5, but 6 entire Mega Man games for the NES in 6 years. So when it was finally time for Mega Man to come to the SNES, they knew they had to reinnovate the concept of Mega Man itself, and that's exactly what they did. With a brand new setting, characters, upgrades, and new movement options, Mega Man X changed what a Mega Man game could even be.

From the very first few minutes of gameplay, I was awed. The music, the gritty dystopian atmosphere of the opening stage, the enemy design, Zeros reveal, all of this was just in tutorial. You know, the worst part of most video games?

Somehow, Mega Man X turned me into a Mega Man fan. As of this review, I have already completed both X2 and Mega Man 2 as well. Now I gotta play X4, the Zero Series, the ZX series, Mega Man 11, the Star Force Series, some of the Battle Network games, the Legends Series, maybe X3, X5, and X8, Maverick Hunter X... wait why are there so many Mega Man games who is responsible for this💀

This seems to be a love it or hate it sonic game. I didn't think the level design was THAT bad (exepct for wacky workbench that level scares me), and the level design doesn't make the game super hard compared to sonic 2's endgame. I get why a lot of people don't like it, but I thought it was great.

There are no perfect games, accept for maybe Portal 2

Nintendo fans when we get exactly what we ask for:

This is a remake that is somehow a tad bit worse than the original games it was based on. Even though I think this game is a lazy cash grab that I defiantly wouldn't recommend, I still enjoyed it because I like Pokemon. I guess it proves that it's okay to still enjoy "bad" video games.

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its a mario clock

Good game but after basically industrializing my island and abusing the turnip stock market, I had nothing left I wanted to do. I haven't played much of the updates, but I think I will just stick with New leaf for now.

Everyone thought this was incredible when the beta launched until people got over the funny roster and realized that it was just smash bros but worse. I also miss pre-nerfed bugs bunny

A 3D Sonic game that somehow kind of worked? And I had a lot of fun with it? This should be impossible! Sonic Robo Blast 2 feels like what 3D Sonic's first step into 3D should of been instead of flopping around with ideas that never truly worked out. It feels and plays like a good classic Sonic game despite it being in 3D, an accomplishment that Sega has yet to achieve.

Some of the bosses and levels are very difficult and frustrating. I remember one part of Arid Canyon Zone Act 1 where I couldn't figure out how to progress the level and I ended up going a different path that made me repeat progress I already completed. At the very least, it feels great once you complete a ridiculously hard boss like Castle Eggman Act 3.

I haven't played as the other characters yet, but Sonic feels very slippery. Even though this does create momentum and speed, it makes platforming very difficult.

Even though so much of it was aggravating, I still loved it, and I have yet to try any of the custom levels or characters. This game is only for the skilldest of gamers like me.