Ah, ah, ah! It's me, Dracula! And I'm here to review the latest hit spooooooky videogame, Super Castlevania IV! Just in time for the halloween season! Ah ah ah!

Explore over NINE levels! Defeat the most fearsome ghouls known to man! Face face to fang with me, Count Dracula himself! Ah ah ah!

I even wrote some haikus for those who dare read them:


Castlevania IV/
Super castlevania IV,
Opens a new door (not to mention the score)

Some attacks are new.
Like using whip directions,
So striking's lark. Woo!

Is the name of this game like:
Monoliths sky-high,

Some rotating rooms,
Giants made out of big blocks,
And following tombs,

Though falling through stairs,
From taking knock back damage
Might pull out your hairs.

But please, do not fret,
For it's the satisfaction
Of winning a set

That brings the real fame
Out of this magnum opus
Of a classic game.

It's now born anew.
And if you really loathe it,
Then whine/Skill issue.


I know, peak poetry right?

Can YOU stop me and my minions from taking over earth forever with my iron fist? Enter Castlevania, if you dare! Ah ah... ah.....

-Count Dracula

P.S. Konami really should have just named this "Super Castlevania" instead of "Super Castlevania IV" It's not like this is the fourth game in the "Super Castleclvania" series, and it isn't a direct sequel to Castlevania 3 either, It's a remake/re-imagining of the original Castlevania (🤓🤓🤓🤓) I dare you to put me, Count Dracula, in charge, Konami! I'll even hire Kojima back!

I would have rated this game higher, but that darn rewind feature on NSO was too tempting. The environments, music, graphics, atmosphere, and level design are all top notch, especially for the SNES. However, feel like it justs needs a little power up or movement option to spice up the game play. It's really charming but (and maybe this is because I cheated) a little boring at times. Overall a master piece of a SNES game, and I will try DK2 on my GBA sometime so I can't use rewind.

Super Mario 3D Land is, in my opinion, easily the most underrated and underappreciated 3D mario game. People have recently been praising Super Mario 3D World, but many of its creative ideas came from this game. This game is just so cozy, I can’t describe it. The gross plastic aesthetic from 3D World is completely absent. Most of the soundtrack was once again stolen later from 3D World. The game is generally easy, but that is okay with me. The level environments in mario games are typically grouped into worlds. This can easily make the player feel tired of them. However, in Super Mario 3D Land, the level environments are randomized with each level being different from the last. Unless a game is trying to make a full, complete world, I much prefer this way. The gameplay while being in 3D takes more from 2D mario than 3D by featuring distinct linear levels. The tunici leaf from Super Mario Bros. 3 returns, but you can’t fly this time. This makes sense as it would break the game, yet it’s still disappointing. Even though I like different environments from each level, the environments themselves aren’t interesting at all. They are just generic mario themes for the most part, but the clock level was fun. Another complaint I have is that the movement is very mid. The sideflip, crouch jump, and long jump all feel underpowered, like they just don’t quite provide enough of a boost to use. And sometimes the run button doesn't work for me. In general, this is a cozy must play on the 3DS that I hope gets a Switch port soon (side note, how did Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon get a Switch port before this game, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Kid Icarus Uprising? It is a little frustrating).

Mario 3 is a huge step for mario after mario 2. And this was an NES game? Thats crazy. Unfortunately, I can't stand some of the later game stages when i replayed it via super mario advance 4 since I couldn't cheese the game with save states this time, but when I could cheese it with save states, it went crazy.

I can't believe it took me this long to try this game out. I had it ever since I got my SNES classic a few years ago but I guess I never thought much of it? But when I saw how highly rated this game was on this website, I thought I would give it a shot, and boy I'm glad I did.

By 1993, Capcom's Mega Man Series was getting... stale. Somehow they managed to pump out not 4, not 5, but 6 entire Mega Man games for the NES in 6 years. So when it was finally time for Mega Man to come to the SNES, they knew they had to reinnovate the concept of Mega Man itself, and that's exactly what they did. With a brand new setting, characters, upgrades, and new movement options, Mega Man X changed what a Mega Man game could even be.

From the very first few minutes of gameplay, I was awed. The music, the gritty dystopian atmosphere of the opening stage, the enemy design, Zeros reveal, all of this was just in tutorial. You know, the worst part of most video games?

Somehow, Mega Man X turned me into a Mega Man fan. As of this review, I have already completed both X2 and Mega Man 2 as well. Now I gotta play X4, the Zero Series, the ZX series, Mega Man 11, the Star Force Series, some of the Battle Network games, the Legends Series, maybe X3, X5, and X8, Maverick Hunter X... wait why are there so many Mega Man games who is responsible for this💀

This game could have been perfect if they cut out all of the enemies, bosses, and a couple other ideas and focuses on the core platforming and vibes. It's very frustrating because I believe it could easily be one of the best platformers ever if these simple issues were fixed. A sequel addressing these issues would be magnificent since the core platforming with the drill and hook is some of the most fun I have ever had with a 2D platformer. I hope this studio makes more good games.

You could arguee that Luigis Mansion 3 has boring gameplay and therefore the game is bad. But to me, luigis mansion 3 isn't about the gameplay, it's about little details and enviornments. The sound of the poltergust absorbing everything in its path, all of the different boss ghosts and their personalities, the funny ghost dog, etc...
The enviornments on each floor are unique, wether you're in a pirate room, Egyptian room, 80s discotheque, greenhouse, museum, or a film set.
In short, the game is a lot more fun looking and appreciating the visuals instead of powering through the story.

Turned me from a Castlevania chump to a Castlevania man. As of right now, I prefer Super Castlevania IV because overall, SCIV has better environments and a funny whip mechanic, but this one is defiantly objectively the best 2D Castlevania. I might change my mind in the future.

I really wish "Animal Crossing: Goes to the Zoo" and "Medevil rpg IV strategy RTS RPG fantasy" sold better.

My first Fire Emblem game, and I think I liked it? It's very, very long but perma death makes the stakes much higher, and makes you care about becoming a better strategist so your warriors won't literally die. I might finish it up later some day or try out a different Fire Emblem.

Going into this game, I thought it would be a super hardcore game that only the truest of gamers play. It turns out its a funny game with bad voice acting.

Star Fox 64 3D really surprised me.

I was curious about the Star Fox series and what it had to offer, and this one seemed to be the best one for newcomers, and after beating this game, that's most definitely true.

The gameplay of this game is unreal. You have to be constantly be aware of where your ship is, where your enemies and obstacles are, the best way to get rid of them and the best way to dodge them. So if your not doing your best to focus on the gameplay, you will most definitely die.

Its replay-ability is on par with Pikmin 1's. Depending on specific factors in certain stages, you'll take a different route to Venom and play completely different stages than you did on your last play through. That's irrefutably awesome.

Its only real problems are that the story is somewhat basic (I guess it can't change the story from Star fox 64, but the Star Fox series could really use new creative stories, especially if Nintendo plans on making more Star Fox games in the future), The open arena fights (I forget what they are actually called) can be a bit annoying, and that the voice acting is less funny than Star Fox 64's gibberish. To be fair, there are benefits to real voice acting since you can focus on the gameplay instead of looking down at the touch screen to see what your comrades are saying, but an option to swap between Star Fox 64's original voices and these new ones would have been very much appreciated, even if this is a pretty unimportant request.

Overall, this is a stellar remake that can be enjoyed by newcomers and series veterans alike. On-rail shooters seem to be a super underused and underrated genre of video games (AKA please Nintendo make a new quality Star Fox game for the switch with a new story. Don't abandon the franchise forever just because it flopped on the Wii U please and thank you). I am excited to try out other on-rail shooters like Killer 7 and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor someday.

Play this game !! 11! 1!!! !! !11

Who is this man on Columns III? And why is he also on Sonic?

I liked it. I'll probably inevitably rate it higher when I replay it and compare it to fusion and dread but there are a few dumb parts where if I didn't have an older brother who played the game, I would have needed a guide. There are also a lot of obscure missle tank placements that seem impossible to find unless you scan everything. However, Super Metriod has great and even better atmosphere than Zero Mission and AM2R. Great game that set the metroidvania item collecting system in stone, but I feel like I might rank this higher if I replayed and 100% it with a guide in the future.