Every time Anne calls you baby I melt a little

In my experience no game feels as good to play as Celeste, period. Pure kinetic jubilation every step of the way, where a simple yet satisfying set of mechanics lead to a hidden depth of movement that is beautiful to both watch and perform. The levels themselves are a testament to just how far a single idea can be used to it's maximum potential. Each new element introduced within a level remains relevant and uniquely implemented throughout the entire game, including the wealth of side content. Celeste is also quite a difficult game the first time around, and its overall message ties into this difficulty so well.

The metaphor here is almost comically overt (both with the mountain and Part of Me), but it's very upfront with it's themes of depression and anxiety in a really refreshing and honest way that works to its advantage. Madeline has set this challenge out for herself, not because she wants to, but because she has to. And no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem (and no matter how may times you die!), just breathe, you can do this.

In conclusion, trans rights!

single-handedly justifies the existence of prog rock

The first Castlevania is shockingly well designed, not even just for the time, although it is still very much an NES game. The level and enemy design work perfectly with the slow methodical game play. Adapt or perish.

No no no no no, there's only so much i can take. Text boxes that move at a snail's pace, constant missing, status condition HELL, its charm can only carry it so far. The best part of this game was reading the 20 year old GameFAQs guides to see what all the equipment and spells did (thank you Vegita aka Eric Johnson and D_Simpson aka Dan Simpson for your hard work you did an amazing job).

who designed the boss of wily 4 i just wanna talk

Very surreal actually playing this game, I've been a fan of it pretty much since it came out from watching playthroughs on youtube and after playing it myself after all this time, my thoughts pretty much haven't changed. Now I do think some of the humor has worn off on me, but most of it still holds up and the music of course is absolutely fantastic. Super creative take on turn-based combat, love how each boss has a unique and surprising mechanic. The characters are wonderful shout out to lesbians and the story-
ok what the fuck am I, a user of the internet, doing reviewing Undertale in the year of our lord 2023 I feel like such a buffoon anyway yes love this game, pretty special to me

i wanna be just like heather mason when i grow up

Without it's art Blasphemous doesn't really stand out at all. It has many clear influences from other games in and adjacent to the metroidvania genre but mechanically doesn't seem to have any sort of identity of its own. The combat feel fine I guess but the parry is too easy to use for how strong it is and even with all the abilities you can find it always feels like there's something missing. Unfortunately the level design also does not complement the combat well either making it extremely easy or sloppy and frustrating. The platforming is also just not that interesting and having instant death in a game like this is a baffling decision to say the least.

Despite all that I still think I might have been willing to finish it if it wasn't for a few other problems that are more serious in my opinion. First of all, It's weirdly linear for a game that is clearly trying to be exploratory and interconnected. Second of all, it does the annoying fantasy writing thing where all the dialogue is just exposition about a bunch of made up words and characters without any context for the player (but that the player character is supposed to understand). As a result the npcs feel totally lifeless as they have no other purpose or personality outside of this. The sum of these two problems ruins the atmosphere and leads to a world that feels devoid of purpose. I would say I'd like to see where it takes its primary theme of Catholic guilt but that just wasn't enough to sustain me. It is totally possible that the game improves later on but it simply failed to establish any sort of intrigue - mechanically, narratively, or otherwise.

A bittersweet little game exploring the last moments of a dying world. It's more than just 1s and 0s.

the web slinging is so good it makes up for how incredibly fascist this game is...for now

Very few games manage to capture the sense of scale, the sense of awe at the world around you as the first Xenoblade Chronicles. It just feels good to exist in this world with its gorgeous environments and roaming monsters, especially with that absolutely iconic ost in the background. The combat and character building systems are just deep enough to feel rewarding but don't go completely fucking overboard like 2 and 3. A fun, although trope filled, cast of characters and voice acting that I am fully sold on make this such an incredible adventure. Honestly not sure what the fuck was happening towards the end, the story gets kinda stupid but it doesn’t tarnish the overall experience that badly.

when i came on to backloggd to log this game, i found myself, without realizing it, trying match my actions to rhythm of the last song i had heard before i died, pretty neat game

My main problem with this game is just how samey everything starts to feel after a little while. It just becomes so dreadfully boring and repetitive that all of its good or interesting qualities sort of become a moot point, soundtrack does go hard of course