The onely game that can think of rivaling halo in my opinion.

Great game played it many times on the original xbox an replayed it when I bought it on pc. Love the shooting and lightsaber mechanics.

Best special edition for killzone fans.

Game was good. Just was wanting a sequal and now have to wait forever i guess.

Fun game that I still have the box for I believe. Also go watch the cutscens for this masterpieces on youtube now. It is excelent acting compared to these "disney" fan films that have come out over the last few years.

When an actually good remaster is done. Also a good non-disney star wars game!!!!

THe best arcade machine that I used to play in the movie theatre!

This game is like the xbox one. Starts out with horrible press release and how you can buy darth vader ofr hundreds of bucks. Then EA thinks a little bit and improves on the game. Also don't let me speak about the plot of this "game". Also if you want the definitive battlefront 2 experience ther is a game from 2005 called Battlefront 2 that has much better gameplay.

The story in the game was alright. But the controls were lets not talk about it and then there was a han solo dance.

This game is the original rouge squadron and has some of the best extras. 1. is an episode 1 starfighter refrence and the other one is a legends refrense!!!

Best theme song of the franchise. But the easiest campaign.

This is the game that taught me you do not have to be running all the time as you do in games these days.

Very fun to play and definetly improved on the originoal. Also the achivments were fun to get in the game.