My bias here shows blantly. A pokemon FG!??! Basically the perfect game. Combat is fun (directed by tekken team), the roster surprisingly unique (Chandelure, suicune, empoleon, Weavile stand out) and graphically it's impressive. I would have liked more content for singleplayer though, even if i could never forget the matches with Dimitri during middle school

It's basically an infinite Mario game, all with very good controls and the option to create your own levels and worlds. You can make traditional levels (my favorites), kaizo challenges, music boxes and puzzles, among others. People got so creative with the immense toolbox at our hands that finding a good level online is granted.

Not a bad game for what it is, but a bad game. Unless you are fan of the manga/anime, them is ok (based on my brother's experience). It has pretty fast gameplay and rpg elements to it, and the missions are varied with wide maps. also it covers most of the story

I didn't expect to have this much fun with Tetris, but i really enjoyed this game, even with its online mode that encourages me to play more. The singleplayer and customization, with themes, is pretty good too

While I'm still playing it, this game is so much fun. Very creative and fun level design and powerups, and the movement is crazy good. It even looks good for a wii game!

One of the great fathers of modern games, it's still a lot of fun. the 64 graphics are really outdated, though, and the controls stiff. Some stars are obtuse. but overall, a fun retrogaming experience

As a collection, is below average. the greatness of its games cannot save it from lack of content. Refer to individual games for analysis

A great metroid(*Iga)vania, with rpg spects to it that made it distinct to other metroidvanias on the market. The story is really bad and forgettable, but the setting is crazy and interesting, with secret labs, desert caverns and magic libraries where carefully designed enemies can be found, each with a unique soul weapon to acquire. The exploration is top notch, only hindered by necessary tedious grind. Combat is fun even if a bit dependable on numbers and easily broken.

Super fun inky gameplay, the multiplayer had me glued to the screen like an oyster for hours. other than that, eh, is a Nintendo multiplayer game, of course it's great, but pretty limited.

An excellent short game, where the exploration is the master, and combat follows shortly after. It's pretty difficult and a bit obtuse because of its age, but this remake makes it stunning visually with a very cute art style and fluid in gameplay. The story is also very unique for a Zelda game, leaving you quite sad. I would like to play it again

I really liked what i played of it, it has probably one of the best art styles ever. I don't particularly like the gameplay, but it's just personal preference. All the bosses have unique attacks and more than two phases, and make too many references to 30s cartoons to not be praised.

For what it is, it's not bad. It has a very creative idea, but it's short and it gets really repetitive after a while.

A pretty good collection, by virtue of sheer value alone. There are 50 games in it, with a lot of really good ones, but no extra stuff, and a little customization for such old games.

Zelda like with great visuals and combat. I need to finish it, but i have no time now. Painting mechanic was cool, but difficult to use

A great fighting game mechanically and visually, really lacks content and it's too slow to load anything. Also the characters mechanically and especially visually aren't distinct at all, but it's 100% me not liking Dragonball at all