55 Reviews liked by humidifier

Beneath layers of hilarious humor and an unusual list of characters with unfiltered interactions lies one of the most beautiful and impacting stories ever told showcasing many themes that are rarely touched upon correctly in media
Yoko Taro games usually tackle subjects not so different from each other but every single one of them does it in a very unique way that never feels repetitive and always feels like it has Yoko Taro's signature on it
tackling the subjects of self-acceptance and questioning the sets of beliefs and drives people have and human nature
I don't subscribe to the idea that dod 3 is "bad on purpose" or whatever many people throw around
in fact, the moment I was thrown into its world i was interested
the game starts off with a clean plan and blueprint and you are nothing but a spectator trying to understand the reasoning/meaning behind the drive of the main character and the setting of this insane world and it ties it up perfectly with a cathartic ending that left me stunned
know the game has some inherent shortcomings because of its age but beyond it all is genuinely one of the most impactful stories ever.
the structure and branching and narrative of the game are incredible it's sad that this will always be an underappreciated gem
to talk about every single theme this game conveys and how Yoko Taro's themes and how he tackles them are always the greatest ever would take too much and I still have much to learn from all the side content. i just loved the game and that is all that matters to me

My first ever Atlus game and I am beyond blown away by such a beautifully tragic emotional experience
this game is a beacon of hope for those who have struggled to cope with loss such as myself.
perfectly executed themes and all around just a wonderful experience
I have so much to say but it just never feels enough for what this masterpiece presents.
I was emotionally moved many many times playing this it's unbelievable and even though I haven't played the former versions of P3 this is clearly made with love and passion
this helped me change how I face a lot of problems and came at such a needed time in my life I genuinely think this game is a must-play for everyone period. many people have already sung its praises so there isn't a lot for me to say but I'm just super thankful I got to play this
one of the most impactful things I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing and indubitably one of the greatest games of all time

This was such a needed pallet cleanse. new whole setting that starts the second half of the series with such a banger with the best arc starting game by a mile
it hits all the right notes and really makes me have hope for the future of the series. this is how arcs should start

this game is beautiful, it looks real good with the new engine and the combat is super fun it CLEARS everything that was in former games. the move to make it a mix of action/turn based hybrid was an unexpected but wholly welcomed change and it makes it 10x more fun

I ADORE the new cast all hits no misses in just one game a lot of them have become up there with some of my favorite characters in the whole series.
i really can't wait to see what they develop into with this new arc
Thank you Van Arkride

my only complaints would be
1. the music direction, not the music itself i think the music is generally great but god the placements of some songs just ruins a lot of the scenes that would've been fantastic with better choices
2. some unneeded padding here and there

I wanted to feel things but I felt nothing so now I have to accept I am dead inside

A worthy successor to the original, perhaps treading its own path.

It reimagines and realizes FF7's world in such an immersive way holding up modern standards that I found myself more interested than ever in the narrative and characters. By the end of the trilogy as a collective narrative this could top the original FF7 for me. I'm incredibly excited for rebirth.

Gameplay while great does a feel a bit awkward at times, music is on point and the visuals are breathtaking.

This is one of the most basic remasters while at the same time fixing every problem of the original. The hd graphics make the unique artstyle of the original to shine even more while the various qol improvements make the game smoother. Although I never had a problem with the original's motion controls I played this one with a pro controller and I have to say they made a pretty good job translating the movements in the right stick. Unfortunately the camera control is tiresome. The game although the worst of 3D zeldas is still fantastic and this remaster is the ideal way to play it.

Although definitely one of the weaker in the series is still impressive how they managed to make an actually zelda game with only stylus controls. Despite some obvious shortcomings what you get is what you expect from a 2D zelda. Personally I consider both this and Spirit Tracks underrated.

It's the Wii port, now with decent controls!
RE4 is a fun experience. The characters are good and Ashley is not as annoying as I remembered.

A game well defined by its characters and storyline. While maybe not as good as the other games in the series, it still holds an immensely enjoyable experience worthy of a playthrough.



Damm this game is SO good.

I did'int finish it because i was playing in a illegal way to see how good the remake was, but i almost finish cause it hit me really hard and i got addicted.

One day ill buy and finish this master piece...

Idk how I could even talk about this game lol, genuinely one of the best games ever made, probably tied with the original for my favorite game of all time. Gameplay is so fun, i love the switching between the party members. As much as I love the orignal's gameplay, i also love how this one is more of an action game. They knocked it out of the park with the ost, the new renditions of jenova and one winged angel are peak. Honestly find the direction they're taking with this trilogy and am very excited for Rebirth. The whole theme of remake being about defying destiny is badass

I played this game before Replicant and it honestly blew my mind. The whole multiple ending thing was insane to me as someone who went in knowing absolutely nothing about the series. The story, world building, gameplay, ost, pretty much everything is peak. The way they approached a lot of philosophical concepts was very interesting to me

i have to close my eyes looking at like 90% of this game but at least i have clacker volley



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