they finally locked the fuck in. so much less fluff between story beats, a really fantastic core cast, and the best villains in the whole thing. the stretch from crown of the immaculate to the end, and then the entirety of 5.3, are the most invested ive been in a game in a long time

this game is the closest thing to a horror game my weak little heart will ever be able to handle and i loved every second of it
perfectly captures that feeling of being small and weak in a world full of things out to get you. the spritework is some of the most beautiful i've seen in a game in a long time and the soundtrack is phenomenal. only gripe with it is how luck-dependent some segments can be, sucks when you get screwed over by a lack of spear spawns & enemies conveniently standing right in the one spot you need to pass through

i think its incredibly interesting how the second most popular mmo of all time has such a disastrously unapproachable basegame. every time i have to engage with arr content ingame i cant help but think to myself "this was considered enough of an improvement from 1.0 to keep the game going??"
it does make sense, they wanted to take a much more story-focused approach to an mmo, and to make a story with that kind of longevity they needed to haul ass when it came to worldbuilding and laying down the foundation for a story, but that absolutely does not make those 100 or so hours any less of a slough. im glad i managed to stick with the game, later content is fantastic and i've met some great people, but oh my fucking god it is impossible to suggest to friends who arent immediately sold on the gameplay/systems outside of the story (good thing jobs below 50 are boring as fuck too............ god i hate summoner)

the fact that this game doesnt have some sort of cult following is genuinely unbelievable to me. one of the most absurd things i've experienced in a long time and i loved every second of it

xenogears is, at it's core, a game that feels incredibly ambitious; trying to be something so much more than it's able to be, in a way that almost circles back into covering up all the glaring flaws attached to it. this game has... quite a few issues; but i can't really say any of them really hurt my experience with it.. maybe even the opposite..! no matter how tedious, how confusing, how silly it got.. i really can't look back on this game with anything but a big ole smile.


after spending a lot more time with this game i can confidently say i think it's pretty neat :-) once you drill into your skull that you shouldn't ever get attached to your runs it's a really really enjoyable thing to just pick up and tinker with for a while

really charming short little experience that doesn't try to be more than it needs to and i really appreciate that!! pratty and sugar definitely made the whole thing for me though; lets go lesbians

i really wish that i could give this game an even higher rating. i loved the story, i loved the atmosphere, i loved so so soooo many things about this game ... but i think the gameplay really ended up putting a chokehold on my enjoyment towards the end of my time with this game. its not bad... the core gameplay is really fun, and the first chapter does a great job of BEING fun! but as enemies get stronger and rooms get more crowded the cracks really begin to show, and towards the final act i was really just praying that i'd be done soon so i could see what else was left in the story ...

i feel like almost every cool moment in this expansion was stifled by lyse not shutting her yap
doma and zenos carried really

brief but really enjoyable read ! the art & music is really solid, especially so when u consider the fact that it was made for a game jam . .!! i def recommend checking it out if you dont mind the desolate tone.. the princess and the gravedigger have been on my mind an unhealthy amount since reading

miro's fascinatingly gorgeous art style accompanied by brutally distinct systems make this game so incredibly interesting to experience, especially as someone as enamored with rpgmaker titles as i am . . . there's a surprising amount of meat on the game's bones and i was very shocked to see that my first (successful) playthrough had racked up around 14 hours of time alone !! i think once we get another content update or two and see what else miro has in store in terms of lore and the other contestants this game will be an easy 5 stars

even though i've run through it more times than i remember at this point i always find myself smiling whenever i think about hypnospace outlaw & all of the strange little people within . . . there are so many bits from this game that are gonna stick with me forever and im probably never gonna stop coming back to it every now and then

playing nothing but minigolf and ballrace for 2 weeks straight permanently messed up my dopamine receptors

theres nothing i can say about yume nikki that hasnt been said already, just quit being a wimp and play it already if you havent

one of those games that i enjoy the idea of a lot more than the game itself, but that isn't to say that it's bad at all! quite the opposite!! i'm just bad at video games and die too much to see a lot of the cool stuff the game has to offer