9/10. Incredible characters, shmup phases and hack'n'slash. Only played one ending tho.

7/10. Just another sequel to the NEW saga, has some fun levels, but is stale as fuck.

7/10. Cute gimmick but wears off and gets boring pretty soon.

8/10. Fun combat, but repetitive missions.

10/10. One of the greatest of all time. Incredible world building, the best graphics on Switch.

9.5/10. A masterpiece in the Metroidvania genre. Expanding and fullfilling world with a lot of secrets and satisfying combat.

7/10. The story is small and uses difficulty spikes to extend itself.

10/10. One of the best racing games ever made.

6/10. Stale Mario golf game, nothing more to say about it.

9/10. Very fun and goofy game. The lighting and animations are top notch. Fun gameplay

10/10. Evolved BOTW in everyway, by expanding its world more than 2x the size, and giving a more complex mechanics system and better story. How can you improve over perfection?

9/10. Fun and short 2D adventure, solving dungeons and uncovering the secrets of the island. The music is incredible. The characters are very fun.

10/10. Easily one of the greatest videogames ever made, redefined what it means to be an open world videogame.

7.5/10. A good and solid Kirby adventure.

9.5/10. Incredible and fun platformer with a lot of secrets to find.