This was the first adventure game I ever owned, and my 2nd title on the PS.

I was 9 so I was kinda scared of it. I remember vividly getting super spooked the first time I saw caskets rising from the ground and zombies popping out to attack me.
Also, I didn't have a memory card and my mother wouldn't let me use the console for more than 1h at a time, so I just replayed the first stage several times until I got to Kensington, where I would get lost and also extra spooked by the dudes with top hats who would resurrect other zombies.

Now that I think of it, wandering around in Victorian Kensington, felt oddly similar to exploring Bloodborne's Yharnam for the first time...

Anyway, eventually, I got a memory card and beat the game a few times. It has a good sense of humor (most of which I didn't get when I was a kid), and it holds a special place in my heart.

Played this with my gf (she loved it even more than me) and even though it took me a few hours and play sessions to get really engaged, it did eventually captivate me and made me smile and laugh more than most games I've ever played.

The first game I ever owned on the PS1.
What can I say... my mother bought it for me and my national team was on it, so I enjoyed it.
At the time I didn't even know the FIFA games, which is basically what this is, themed with the UEFA Euro competition.

I fell in love with this game ever since I played the demo from one of those PS magazine discs.
I was 10 and it was the first game I bought for myself and I remember at the blockbuster store the clerk warning me (and my mom) that the game had a lot of written English and I looked too young to know the language. That was true but turns out this became the biggest reason why I got really good at English at a young age, which ultimately had an enormous impact on my future.
It was also my first RPG and I got absolutely sucked into its world even though I initially struggled to understand it.
After multiple playthroughs and hundreds of hours of playtime over the 4 discs, as a child and later on the PC with an emulator, this is one of my favorite games of all time, even though I recognize its fair share of flaws.

I miss Dart, Shana, and Lavitz, and would totally play a remake.

Took me over a year to download this through Kazaa, after I played it once at a cousin's house.
Addicting simulator with a great sense of humour.

I was 8 when my cousins tricked me into swapping my copy of Grand Theft Auto 1 (PC) for this game.
I regret nothing.

I wanted to please my nostalgia for Theme Hospital which was one of my favorite games as a kid. This game is from the same creators and is pretty much a modern version of it, with a lot of the same elements and the new stuff is cool.
I play it with "original" soundtrack.

The combat system is perfection.

Even on my 3rd playthrough I still felt bursts of dopamine after beating almost every boss because of the always increasing difficulty and opt-in "hard mode" mechanics such as the Kuro's Charm, which encourage you to keep pushing your skills further and further.

Few games will provide an experience as rewarding as deflecting dozens of attacks in a row as you completely dominate a boss and you remember how this game used to kick your ass so hard, back when fighting them for the first time.

Ludwig the Holy Blade soundtrack starts playing

Still amazes me how much content and detail they crammed into a DVD disc.

Played it on my PS2 until it died, bought it again for PC, and played it 10 years later on another nostalgia playthrough till 100% completion during my uni years.

The best GTA.

The first game I played online.
So many hours of freeze tag, railgun duels on the longest yard, and bloodbaths with the gauntlet on overcrowded Q3CTF1 servers.

This game has a dedicated key to fart and burp.

I just liked to grab the tank and blow up cop cars for hours.

Got it from the PS plus subscription, played it with my gf while stoned, drove the tractor down a waterfall and it got stuck there. We laughed but then I uninstalled.

Best mystery-solving game I've ever played.
Unique art style and gameplay + Lovecraftian vibe...
I wish there was more or that it had replay value after you solve everything.

I wasted hundreds of hours on this, I wish I had never played it.