ok great now someone do this with EMOTION by Carly Rae Jepsen

tbh I came into this blind and had fun with it but afterward felt like I got called a slur :/

Charming animation and an absolutely lovely message about reaffirming one's will to live, but the game feels weighed down by very heavy-handed, clunky dialogue throughout.

A puzzle game with both great puzzles and stupid, frustrating ones in equal amounts. I give it 3.5 stars though because there was a lot here that I tend to like in games: first-person perspective, emotional story, voice acting, cinematic music, the Lovecraftian bend to it. Don’t get me wrong - there was tons I hated (the slow walking speed!!!) but overall I enjoyed my time with this.

- decently engaging plot
- I always love when a more narrative type game like this has voice acting because it feels cinematic. I bought this game because I love Rear Window so much.

- terrible gameplay at times e.g. you just point another character where to "hide" in the open plaza or you just wait for time to pass. it felt like a chore to play sometimes
- this is maybe the same point as above, but this had lazy storytelling in my opinion. I understand the whole point is your limited pov, but it felt like the creators approached this simply as an obstacle instead of having fun with the concept. like the game is never as thrilling as it thinks it is. maybe my issue is it feeds info to the player too easily??
- the plaza you're overlooking often feels lifeless. the thrill of a film like Rear Window was how alive the community felt and the voyeurism in that. here, the plaza always had the same like 4 characters just standing there. there wasn't traffic. most windows went unused.

not sure i'm articulating myself well but tl;dr the premise and voice acting are kind of cool but I wish more was done with the limited pov because it's such a cool idea

Is it wrong to write a review when I didn't finish the game? Well, anyway, after my few hours in I can say I loved the music, character design and plot. I also loved the animation styles. I just hated the traversal, and it was annoying enough to turn me away from the game for now. I don't know if I was playing it wrong or if i'm dumb as hell, but the map was incredibly unhelpful. Often I lost so much time just trying to figure out how to walk from point A to point B. I got frustrated.

This is precisely the kind of game I go so hard for. I love me some investigative work, tons of dialogue, twisty plots, walking simulators, fully realized characters, and strong voice acting. I don't think it'll dethrone any of my top five games but damn is it close.


Vibrant and gorgeous and exactly the kind of game I’d enjoy. I just wish there was more story. I also actually enjoyed the gameplay/controls although they were clumsy at first. It’s often serene but other times boring and repetitive.

Lovely and sweet with cute graphics for sure, but after like 5 minutes the gameplay fell so flat for me. And I seethed with anger at a few items when I got to the apartment we had to share with that man.

The longer I go experiencing no romantic love, the more I'm like "well maybe it's not for me" because if I have to share a space with a man like THAT?? not for me babes

precisely the kind of game i wanted to play today. i was in the mood for a chill murder mystery visual novel/puzzle type game. I love the art style, and I was all-in for figuring out different endings. Oftentimes, I don't care enough to figure out a game's multiple endings, but this has short playthroughs (I think ~30min) and I was intrigued enough to stick around. Spent a few hours on this today and don't regret the purchase one bit.

I love how simple yet absolutely unwavering this game is. The game pushes the boundaries on what intuitive really means. On one hand, it's simply designed, but on the other hand the gameplay and puzzles are still complex. It doesn't hold your hand much; it took me maybe about 10-15min to understand how to play. It reminded me of some of the best films I've watched. The ones that present a singular vision and a meditative rhythm that you either buy into or you don't. This game has zero dialogue, barely any characters (can I call them that lmao), plenty of magical mumbo jumbo, yet I was wildly into it the whole time.

An engaging little, self-assured masterpiece on perspective and finding meaning in life.

this was so insane I loved every second of it and i'm so glad I came into it blind. my favorite part is the love of storytelling that comes across so clearly. but my main complaint (semi-joking) is why did the first act have to be that hard huh? I legit played maybe 8 hours just trying to get through the first act. I then rage quit and left this game alone for like 2 weeks. then I came back to it, finally beat act 1, and sped through acts 2 and 3. i'm dumb and easily confused by card games - have mercy on me

4 stars alone for luvdisc's heart-shaped scales and for lapras looking gorgeous against a sunset <3

This game impressively tackled countless themes within its constraints. You've got everything from forgiveness, redemption, friendship, sex, living in a police state, corruption, celebrity worship, capitalism, you name it. The daily news stories and reddit threads you can read have to be crazy concise, yet they were still intriguing. The dialogue felt clunky sometimes, but it was generally natural and effective. The characters are charming and lovable.

My main gripes are that I got tired of making drinks because it's not a particularly engaging or interesting mechanic. Also, I love the soundtrack to death, but I'm lazy and setting the in-game playlist was annoying to me hahah otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed my time with these memorable characters and their entertaining, thought-provoking conversations.

Both a compliment and a complaint, but I wish we just had more. I know the limited pov is the whole point, but I thought the world and the characters were so fascinating that as they were tying up loose ends I thought to myself, "oh so this is about to end already?" For example, one of my fave parts was reading the newspaper headlines every day because it was fun learning about stuff beyond the coffee shop. Also, I appreciate that it tried to talk about timely topics, but these discussions didn't feel well-written enough to have real impact on me as a viewer. It was nice but barely thought-provoking.

Otherwise, I thought this was generally a super cozy, cute and chill game. I've never played that valhalla game so I have nothing to compare it to either. I'd play it again to revisit these characters and bask in lo-fi music and rain sounds tbh