The OG windows pinball game. I can still hear the sounds.

First TH game with a real story and I loved it. Doing the jump off the roof over the heli in Hawaii was dope.

Fun game mostly just to play with friends.

The only baseball game I played a full 162 game schedule.

My favorite of all the humongous games I played growing up.

Fun fighting, minigames that are polished and addictive, great humor throughout and of course an excellent engaging story. A masterpiece.

Was really funny at times but was a bit of a slog towards the end.

They nailed the web slinging.

Zelda just doesnt do it for me, tho I spent a lot of time here and all I have left is beating Gannon but Ill probably never do that.

I heard you like orbs, so I put an orb inside your orb inside your orb.


I really loved the gameplay mechanics and I came around on the abbey stuff.

They took fallen order and made the combat better, more enemy varitey, and a very solid story. Loved it.

Essentially a coding game, gets the noodle working.