for being my first RTS game and being the one that define the genre of it. was a fun and painful journey. I really enjoyed it but my god does it take a toll on you

That fucking Bastard really made me play a game about the struggles of being a Amazon delivery driver... god I fucking love you Kojima

"He made graduation"
"Kanye did nothing wrong"

that's enough mr west please no more today, I'm tired.

This review was written before the game released

Taliban resurgence
Tax cuts coming back
economic recession
Bro's 2009 is back baby

the made Code Monkeys but for family guy fans

This review contains spoilers

He's just like me for real

The fact that Cyberpunk 2077, expose people on what is Eurojank or Slavjank for the first time is pretty fucking funny. fucking hell even a game like "stalker shadow of Chernobyl" is still a messy eurojank game, even after it's release 15 years ago. now you got to download like 20 different fans patches in order to run that game

When this game came out people on /v/ would fly planes into people house to doxxed fellow anon

Heather Mason truly is an icon for mid-2000s girl from Myspace

Why are the best characters design in this game, the low one star characters, with the most generic ass tactical name like "Solider or Product"

God I love Fps games, there always trying to one-up each other

They just don't make games like they use too

Just play metro, at this point like it's not even a bad shooter, it's just pretty boring one. Like imagine having this cool ass robots design only just for them to be defeated by running side to side. As a guy who really love slavjak game. I was surprised to find out this one had none of that charm. Also the idea that a single player fps game is 90 GB is crazy like holy shit learn to comprised your game files. I know doom eternal, is 80 GB but come on man. Not even mick, music can save it. But I'm gonna be nice and give it an extra star for showing clips of Nu Pogodi show