This game is terrible I love it.

extremely mid game, story is bland, characters are boring and poorly designed, gameplay loop is nothing but a time consuming grind. the core gameplay is fun but there's no value to find in it after the first 10 hours.

absolutely terrible chinese mobile garbage

Must play game for fans of metroidvanias.

worse than LoR in every way while also being filled with cancerous live service gacha brain rot, games does not respect your time or money.

After 15+ playthroughs and over 5 years since I last played Dark Souls 2 I can finally say that I enjoy playing it, it's different and not as polished as the rest of the series but well worth playing.

Fantastic game that will never get the attention it deserves due to poor performance.

Imagine Binding of Isaac but with bad gameplay and no replay value.

kinda mid, Kaito is fun to play with but this 30 dollar DLC is 5 hours long with no side content at all.

what a goddamn slog this whole game is

Honestly one if not the best indie game ever made.

Biggest disappointment of 2022, there's nothing of value here and it shows because you can barely get into a game a week after launch.

nothing interesting happens in this game and there are so many better options available, also absurd how it's 90€ if you want the full experience.