The sense of exploration, discovering a whole region of bees by complete accident, dueling boss after boss then soaking at a hot spring after, dying to chainsaw after chainsaw, re running through different areas with a new dash equipped or a new jump and getting to new places, the things I would do to experience this game for the first time again. 100/10


Don’t think i’ve ever emotionally connected to anything more

Book simulator, but a damn good one. I don’t think this game will ever leave me. It’s such a closed game that makes me want to explore a world that doesn’t exist. Every game i’ve played i’ve wanted to make the character i’ve played perfect, but these characters are flawed and I can’t help but to play into that, to seek the emotional pay off the game promises and delivers by playing into this worlds many flaws. It’s an delve into human emotion and philosophy that’s packaged in a way that’s hilarious sad and somber.

Great souls game but very weird to balance difficulty. Boss scaling is poor where the first half of the bosses are easy to beat but then the later bosses require extra grinding than what you would get from healthy exploration to become fair. Maybe I just haven't gotten good. Perfect world, perfect lore, and an experience every souls fan needs to try.

I've flipped between 4.5 and 5 stars multiple times, but honestly, for how grand of a scope this game had and the fact that it delivered excellently on most fronts, I can't give this anything less than 5.

I love the characters, the interactions between them, and the world Atlus has made, but I wish I loved this game as much as everyone says I should. The story just, doesn't work. The build-up falls flat for the climax of the story, and at some points I realized I was playing for the sake of completion, not out of any sense of interest in the story. The combat is somehow worse than P3, with tartarus being much more favorable over the new dungeon system that requires me to backtrack floors and re-fight them????? Characters and environment in this game are set-up perfectly, but the story and gameplay are just simply exhausting

My first souls game, so its easily my favorite. While in the others I had the mechanics hammered down, the sense of sheer terror I experienced while fumbling around in this one will never be forgotten.

The lore of this game is sooooooo intriguing, but on the other hand the 2 black knight archers on top of anor londo exist.

The gameplay really bogged everything down. The story for this was also meh but my god is the world building incredible. Looking forward to 2.

Missing a way to outplay groups like sekiro's stealth and movement, but really fun boss fights.