My go-to favorite survival game. Got this game when it was still in beta, still play it off an on. I don't really care for the actual story I just do the survival mode.

This game knocked it out of the park. I loved Fallen Order and this game further built upon its predecessor's strengths and fixed many of its weaknesses. I heard that this game was extremely iffy on launch, but I'm honestly surprised by how well my game ran compared to Fallen Order which in contrast was fairly unoptimized. I'd get the occasional frame drop and graphical bugs but it didn't really take me out of it.
Story is great, gameplay is awesome and I loved the new skill system, and the customization options are great.

Edit: this game made me almost cry

Great game but still haven’t finished. Maybe I’ll get around to finishing it but it’s taken a long time.

This game is visually, musically and narratively stunning. Metroidvanias aren’t really my thing but this definitely is one of those that I could get through (well sorta). The bosses are too tough for me but I like making builds and playing around with different styles in order to beat the bosses.

Hopefully I’ll be able to finish this game one day. It’s just collecting dust in my Steam library atm.

This game holds a very special place to my heart because it got me into the open world fantasy genre and by extension Elder Scrolls media itself. I played the heck out out of this game on the PS3 originally as a kid. As I aged and started playing more games, this game just seems so meh now. I like modding the game but after years of playing this game I’m just burnt out from it. I don’t really think it’s fun anymore.

Phenomenal game, easily one of the best JRPGs out there. Nothing else to say other than it’s a great game and worth picking up.

Great game but I still haven’t beaten the DLC. The pawn system is great and fighting the enemies is hella fun and engaging.

Amazing game with an amazing story with some great side quests that makes the world feel alive and different. Although not as fantastic as Witcher 3, there was a lot of things this game set up that made its way over to its successor.

Compared to Witcher 3, the game's combat and gameplay is not very polished, and very hard to get accustomed to especially if you only played the third game. It does the job, though, but I wouldn't say it's great.


This was my favorite FNAF game as a kid but now looking back on it I don’t think anything can top the original’s atmosphere. I liked when FNAF was a bit more mysterious and this game was sorta a turning point to that.

The animatronic designs are silly but Withered Bonnie and Mangle are still effective designs and Mangle’s noises continue to echo through my mind at night sometimes.

I've been playing this game since 2016 and I cannot stop playing this every once in a while.

This game as far as I remember was great but I was like 7 years old when I last played it. I loved knocking the horse off the cliffs and the story is pretty great. I have to replay this game sometime after I finish my RD2 playthrough.


My favorite roguelike ever it's just very good.

Cards and roguelikes?? I love it so much. Game is very good.

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This game took me years to eventually complete. Mostly because of the first chapter being so slow and I'd shelf it way before getting into the good parts of the game. I wanted to go in blind and avoided a lot of the core narratives for the story as well, so it was certainly a slog to play through at the beginning. Once I got past that, this game is fantastic. I am still trying to process it, the characters, the story, everything is just phenomenal. The open world is probably one of my favorites of all time, like wow it feels so lived in and vast.

I can't quite say the words for the narrative, its phenomenal but it's so jarringly beautiful that it's hard to say what I really want to. Arthur Morgan is a fantastic character, and all the side characters each felt so alive and important. I got emotional when John held that photo of young Arthur and Mary and knowing what it meant for the entire plot. Although I figured that Micah was going to betray the gang by chapter 4 without looking into anything, it was so satisfying eventually shooting him in the face multiple times as John. Overall, what I say doesn't give the game justice. I can see why this is on people's top games of all time, because it absolutely deserves it.

Has a phenomenal soundtrack. Cœur de pirate blew it out of the park with the music. Charming little game I really enjoyed as a kid because of its artstyle and story.