funny little thing i enjoy it very much

sadly its just super desolate now

This should’ve been in the base game. Period. Likely there was some reason for PL to not be but I just cannot believe how much this gives the game. I’ve had a feeling that there was always something missing from Cyberpunk, no matter how good the game is. 2.0 vastly improves on the mechanics, and I’m glad they finally made a DLC, it was great (the new ending… not so much? I don’t really know, I prefer the other endings more. This one felt really out of character for V.)

The spy shit was awesome, new characters were great, just wish this was the version we got on launch. This game is 10x better with Phantom Liberty, and I highly recommend this DLC.

And also, there were a few bugs. Not game breaking, but it’s not abnormal to come across one or two. If you’re really weary about them, I’d recommend waiting for a patch or an update.

I’d rather play anything else honestly.

I just love Ocarina of Time that’s it. The 3DS version is just as good as the original in my eyes. Whenever I have an itch for base Ocarina without emulating it on PC I pick this game up and play it.

I wish this had a port to another console though.

Didn’t really get the appeal for LTTP but now I can see why people really liked that game after playing this. Might have to go back and give that game another go. Wouldn’t say it’s my favorite Zelda game but I appreciate it for what it is and it has some really cool mechanics that I haven’t seen anywhere else. Would love another game like this as it was really inventive despite the limitations.

The more I think about this game the more issues I have with it. It would take a while for me to give any thoughts about this game but all I can say is that I wish the game handled its themes better.

The ending to this game is great and I wouldn’t change a thing. I’d play through the entirety of the game to re experience the ending.

Maybe the show will fix the game a bit, or even the definitive edition who knows. I think the game was setting out to tell an ambitious story but it didn’t quite land. It’s not bad, but man I wish some things were different.

There’s not much to say, the story’s fine but I do prefer the first one. I still love this game and it got even better the more you play. The ending was nice, can’t wait to see what’s next. Venom was awesome, it’s been a long time since Venom has felt at all threatening like the comics and I think Insomniac did very well on this front.

The UI in this game is not too great and it’s super clunky, and I had a hard time adjusting to how different and packed it was. Sad that there was no social media tab like in the first two games :(.
The gameplay mechanics are more or less the same so I’m kind of thankful for that. Swinging feels great as always, never a complaint with the web slinging and the web wings are a great QOL.

Can’t wait to see what’s next, Insomniac has definitely nailed the Spider formula.

Edit: Miles’ new suit is like Aaron’s beats from MM. Why are they cursing the Morales family like this 😔.

Don’t really have a full say on this game since I’ve never finished it but I got this game a couple Christmases ago and just never fully got into it. Maybe one day I’ll get back into it but for now I’m just not really invested in it.

Koei really pulled the ”oh this is a prequel” advertisement on this one when it was just non canon fan service. Other than that meh… I tried to 100% this game but lost interest and haven’t played since. This held me over until TOTK’s release date was announced so… yeah lol. In retrospect if I knew what this game was about I’d probably not have bought it.

I love Teba’s playstyle and he’s my favorite in the game.

I found this visual novel game on a whim online. And I will say that… this is by far the best interactive novel I have probably read this year. And it’s not even finished.
The CYOA game was made on Twine, which is an engine for interactive fiction. There’s a lot you can do with Twine but I think this is the most ambitious one I’ve seen.

The worldbuilding is extensive, there’s so much lore and background. It’s very Witcher-esque in the way that your character is a contractor— but not in the way one might think. Difference is that the Wayfarers are individuals who are born without magic, with their former order falling apart. Magic affects every part of this world and its being, and it’s seriously apparent in a fight against a basilisk, where you have the upper hand against it because of your immunity to its magic. There’s a lot of downsides and upsides being born a Wayfarer, but are still contracted to look for artifacts and the like because of their unique genetic. It’s something that I found super intriguing, and again the lore is just extensive. The menu had really insightful and interesting excerpts on the world, but didn’t feel as if it was info-dumping; rather that your character ripped pages out of a book and pasted them into the journal to look back on.
Character creation is pretty extensive, being able to choose a lot of options for how you want your character to look and come from. You can even make a nickname for yourself that others can call you by. In the playthrough I did, I went with an elf from the Child of the Seas background. Like I said, there’s a lot of options and the choices you get depending on your birthplace varies.

This game depends a lot on choice and luck, you might not win every time. I got my ass kicked in the first mission, and I had to get revived. It’s not easy and it has that D&D style system when doing an action. You can forge meaningful bonds with other companions, talk to them and make choices. You can take on pacts and go on quests. The amount of options you have in general is astounding, everything little thing feels like it has meaning. It really feels like you’re genuinely thriving and living in your character when you’re reading.

This is definitely not really like my other reviews, but I still highly recommend it. The game’s not fully released, only with a handful of episodes currently available. But it’s not a small read by any means, with an average of 1 million words accumulative so far. There’s already so much content available.
If you’re into high fantasy, Witcher, any of that— take a read. I highly recommend it, even if you’re not much of a reader. And if you’re really enjoying it like I have please support them, I can’t wait for its full release.

I had fun with my friend blowing shit up but that’s about it.

This review contains spoilers

Thanks Santa Monica for the free DLC! Seriously, it’s great! When I saw this at the game awards I was so excited. I love the roguelike genre so having DLC like this was definitely worth it.

I think my only complaint is that the encounters are pretty short, but for what it’s worth it’s still a fairly good roguelike mode. I think for the future I’ll ramp up the difficulty.

The conclusion to Kratos’ character was satisfying, I really enjoyed seeing that despite it being a very short campaign. I haven’t collected all the Captain keys and memories yet but I will be chipping that away eventually.

Maybe it’s just me, but I have a very hard time getting into this. The gameplay is frustrating and jank, and the general UI is hard to adjust to. I want to give it another try, but it just isn’t for me I think, which is sad considering that I’ve played similar games to this in the past.

If this came out when I was 11 or so I would’ve been all over this game.