i used to watch playthrough videos with shitty audio from keith santagato at an increment of 30 mins because i would get so scaREd

i have never realized how much the decision to not have UI on the screen at all time helped with immersion and the horror undertone, especially with how prominent it is here, this is just a silly COD expansion now

ah the piss filter from the 2000s

one of the entries in the series that adapted well to the new survival action genre but i'm in the minority that really love the horror aspect more

resident evil 2: roman REloaded - the RE-up

not suRE how i feel about changing to first person camera view and making the game moRE action based but it's gREatly improved on the original and made it so much more cREepy and terrifying

i can't explain how mind blowing it was experiencing the third person camera view for the first time and the door animations will definitely haunt me in my dreams

this game had no business looking this good from 20 years ago, a classic survival horror that is great if you are watching a playthrough on youtube

this has to be one of the most unserious games ever kirby (literally) ATE

when they start to form the friend circle and roll down the hill nfs most wanted cop wheel style i almost lost it

the build your own lego cars aspect was p cool but was this really necessary after forza horizon logo expansion

oh my gawd they made it even better??????

a wonderful remake that perfectly captures how the original yellow looked like in my memory