it's been like 7 years since i played this game and my tastes have changed dramatically since then but i absolutely loved it at the time

not really a game, but it's an interesting idea that's fun to play around with.

so satisfying to beat a level, a++ soundtrack. i love this game

i'm Bad at this game but the music is good

started off kinda fun, story was engaging enough, the city was colorful and nice to travel through, missions were fun. the characters are cringeworthy though and the last half of the game was just. Bad.

fun. easy to play as a beginner but also fun to get really good at.

there are honestly so many issues with this game but i still love it with my entire being. easily a favourite, just so fun to play.

great to play with other people

i wish i knew how many hours i have spent on this game. always come back to it

lacked the charm of the original but it was fine