I think it was pretty average for a Super Giant game

Highly recommended for a Harry Potter/Wizarding World fan. The world is beautiful, spell casting is fun, broom flight as well as beasts add a lot to the enjoyment of the game. The story line is decent. But, but.......there is a lot of fluff. Although optional, a lot of the exploration stuff gets repetitive and boring after a while and trying to finish it all just doesn't feel worth it.

Also, the room of requirement is a great place to sink in a lot of hours.

I'd have loved the game more if there was less content for the sake of content

This game will teach you some important lessons:
Don't be cocky
Learn to let go
Everything is for a reason
Everything is connected
Death is just a beginning (Prepare to die! (A lot!))

I and I think I speak for my friends here too, absolutely love this game. It's one of the, if not the Best game we've ever played. It's difficult, yes but not impossible. Every hurdle you encounter has multiple ways to go about it. You just need to take your time, figure it out and try different things. Don't let anyone scare you out of playing this game. It's a gem of a game that should not be missed.

And if there's one thing I can leave you with is this, Explore! You think you've found everything? Think again!

It's one of the most amazing games I have played to date. The lore, the story and the writing is just done amazingly well. The game-play, level design and world exploration is just freaking exceptional. I would suggest playing at the "Give Me a Challenge" difficulty as it makes the game even more fun than it already is. A must play!

P.S. Kudos to Santa Monica Studios & Sony for porting this so well for PC.

One of the best games I have played till date. Amazing combat mechanics, beautiful, dynamic and fun world, well designed monsters. There is nothing bad about this game. Everything is just awesome. If I had to nitpick then the only things I would mention is that the tutorials could have been better and that the controls, even though you get used to it pretty quickly could have been better for keyboard and mouse players.

Valheim mixes survival, exploration, base building and crafting so well that you sometimes forget what kind of game it is.

Visually, at first glance, it may not seem very appealing to some people (I was not one of them but I can understand why someone would think that) but as you explore the world and build your base, you'll see that it actually looks amazing. There are some beautiful views to be found in the game.

The combat could be better but I'm satisfied with it overall.

I would say that the best way to play this game and the most fun to be had is to play with friends. I've played 90+ hours with my friends and lot of that time we spent just having fun building and fooling around and not really caring about our next objective :D

Highly recommend this game! Especially Coop!

The consistent updates to the game have made it even better

Probably the best game I have ever played. Sekiro has so much going for it. The story, the combat, the beautiful landscape and level design, the characters. I mean there is nothing bad that I can say about this game. It's just an amazing experience and as a game developer myself, I really wish I get to work with FromSoftware someday.

Amazing game to play with friends!

Super fun to play with friends. Lot of varied and fun levels. Only few things me and my friends have issues with are:
1. There is hardly any significance of a party
2. The generic character name makes it difficult to spot/spectate party members especially since the game doesn't auto focus on our party members' characters. (I think they are making some changes to this)
3. The loading screen get super boring especially if you are playing when there are less players on the server. I hope they can add some mini game or something or some sandbox mode like other games like Rocket League have.

Yup, these are literally the only issues I have this game. Keep going Mediatonic!!

A damn good game. I love soccer and I love cars and what more could I have ask for when both of those are combined. Great concept and very well polished gameplay makes for an awesome experience especially when you play with friends.


The art and music is amazing. I especially love the writing of this game. It has a really good setting for a rogue-like. It's an overall really fun game especially since you can sneak in 10 mins or whatever small amount of time you get during your breaks. I highly recommend this game for......well anyone who loves games.

Can't recommend this game enough to everyone. Anyone who plays any kind of game, any genre should pause and play this before you continue on. It's an experience that should not be missed. If the developers are reading this review by any chance, thank you. Your game serves as a testament that games as a medium can achieve experiences that no other medium can.

Probably the best and the most innovative horror game I have seen in a while. It is an exhilarating experience and a super fun game to play with friends. There are bugs and I had my doubts about the progression but it's in early access and from the looks of trello board of the developer, they are already working on most the issues. A must play as a Coop!!!

One of the best narrative games I have played so far. Life is strange is always gonna be very close to my heart. The decisions I made and the consequences of those decisions had a great impact on me and I was left wondering and questioning myself for days after I finished the game. A very well designed game with amazing characters and a gripping story line. I highly recommend it for anyone who loves narrative games

One of the best puzzle games I've ever played. Really well designed levels. The awesome narrative and the voice acting is just icing on the cake. I can't recommend this game enough. Even if you are not into puzzle/narrative games, I'll still say it's worth checking out.