the final fantasy

definitive edition. no remakes. some spinoffs. i havent played 5 or 13 or 16 . don't listen to anything i say

this is like someone made a game for me. ok , you get to play as Zack fair. you get more ff7 story. you get to play fucking slots at all times. you get a lot of men. it's a flip phone universe. and you get kingdom hearts era cutscenes , dialogue included. thank you so much mr nomura. i love this game .. sorry !
guy who hasn't finished the game: what do you mean the story is bad. vincent so cool so sexy so guns . one game i can actually tolerate dub cause spike spiegel toonami tom smoking on this . unfortunately for everyone this is the era of media that i love
this sure is a video game
ok i lied this is about the psp/ds remake. unlike some i do enjoy the 3d chibis and they helped me connect to the party more which is hard for me in 1-3 since the story is pretty simple , but it added a charm for me even tho im historically anti remake
haven't played that much but i like the dragoon guys and snes era sprites and seems like the first time the story started to have some depth
in my opinion this is the Final Fantasy game. if i didn't love the world of 7 so much it would be my #1. this is probably the final fantasy game i would recommend to someone first. story is pretty simple, but solid, and still brought tears 2 my eyes. such a sweet and solid game . music also fucks obviously. its so clear that the team from 7 was working on this joint and NOT 8 .
i'm putting spinoffs in here , what are u gonna do . this game is Dripping and Seeping with nostalgia for me , so i'll admit that straight up, but holy fuck, what an atmosphere, characters, music, sprites, the peak GBA experience. life changing stuff for a kid .
love to finish it someday but speaks volumes that it ranks higher than some ive played farther
u hate to hear it but he's the king ! sorry! holds up 100% if u disagree u are bottlefed modern 4k gamer to me. music is insane. atmosphere is insane. dialogue is Unbeatable. straightforward yet complex and engaging story. every part feels like it matters. world feels so full even with the inescapable emptiness of the ps1. masterpiece, no other way to shake it.
i want to fucking like you. i really do. i try and try squall. but i fucking. hate. the combat , so much . iw hate GFs!!!!!! i hate the weird limit break system !!! i hate the menus! i hate the stats! i hate the school! iw hate cid principal! i cant get hooked by the story. the world map is confusing. especially coming off 7? this game is such a letdown. i want to finish it someday, but man, it's hard for me to continue . this is the one game i honestly believe actually demands a modern remake. i think they could actually make it a good game -- coming from me , the modern game hater
did NOT EXPECT to love tidus and his world as much as i do . im playing it undub i have to admit the dub was a bit hard for me . but i think it does the job of the first ps2 ff in the best way. got used to the sphere grid pretty quick , i don't mind the linear progression. it's iconic game
what i like most about 12 is it's what i always wanted out of 11. combat feels like an old mmo in the best way .
in all honestly this game never clicked for me, but is also full of nostalgia of being lost in the world as a kid . it has great music and vibes , and this empty unexplainable feeling very unique to this game
okay yeah...... final fantasy fourteen online. i play it you play it. i gotta admit to you, 1000 hours in, i didn't totally give a fuck about the characters until shadowbringers. endwalker really cemented everything for me, made me really care for the party, the fate of the world, even da villains.. most tears i ever shed playing this long ass game, sorry haucherfant . as someone oversaturated on mmos in my life and who doesn't give a fuck about a plot so easily, i can say this is a good game. now if only i could recommend it to friends and they could play it
noctis and the guys. in theory it's a perfect game for me, a guy lover, it's a full guy party, but it has modern game plague seeped into it which i simply don't enjoy . not the worst though! i can love and appreciate his world and his game. wish it also got to be fully realized to its full potential


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