A simple mechanic but wonderfully executed, and a masterclass in environmental storytelling. Also, an underrated soundtrack.


Striking visuals and soundtrack aside, the game shows its hand within the first 20 minutes that it doesn't have much to offer. Shame.

The wow factor that 4 provided is lost here as it suffers from a heavy case of "more of the same".

Boomerang X WHIPS. If you enjoyed Ghostrunner from last year, this will be right up your alley.

The difficulty curve does take a 90-degree angle towards the end, but pacing issues aside, throwing yourself around an arena with the teleport is a blast.

Didn't get round to finishing it as I'm a massive coward, but the two chapters I managed conveyed all the suspense and tension you'd expect from a game of this nature.

Interesting mechanic lost behind a love story the game did not need or deserve.

A genuinely great upgrade of the original and of lot QoL features in regards to its social features.

Has a ton of funny and memorable moments with the interactions between different Pokemon. Unfortunately, it suffers from the grind-y nature of having to play through entire levels to get to specific parts, and the specific criteria to hit certain star ratings for pictures feels totally random at times.

Enjoyable but could be better.


A little too basic in terms of its execution, but this platformer is a pleasant enough experience on Game Pass.

A couple of bugs with some rough checkpoints meant the game went on a little longer than intended, but holy shit this is unlike anything else I've played.

It's hard to tell if some puzzles are too obtuse through specific choices or bad design - which probably means either way they could have been tightened up, but there's no really no excuse to not have a look at this if you've got Game Pass.

It's good... like, it's really good!

A game that I both enjoyed and was infuriated with (sometimes at the same time), and that becomes increasingly tedious as the hours go on due to uneven difficulty spikes and A LOT of backtracking.

Still, holy shit that game is unbelievablee to look at.

A ton of potential bogged down by inferior writing and so-so gameplay.

Fuck this fucking game.

Props for taking a terrible control scheme and making it actively worse by throwing the sword controls and camera onto the same analogue stick. Bravo. Top stuff.