January, 2022


0h 15m


10h 0m

Played probably 10 hours over the last 7 days. Still early on in the Liyue chapters. Sidequests and shiny things are my downfall in every open world game. Still: this game is a fun, endlessly chill, brain-as-smooth-as-skinless-boneless-chicken-breast good time




1h 0m

Less toxic than every other shooter out there, but still... Solo queuing is hell and I don't have enough friends still playing to ever form a 6-stack.

Every 50 games or so, I run into a QP team so salty that it makes me quit straight out of the match and uninstall.

I'm ready for Overwatch 2. Let's put this one back on the shelf until then.


50h 0m

One of a handful of games I wanted to get back to in the new year. Picked up my save game 50-hours in, at the exact moment where I lost interest the last time: half-way through a Mary Jane stealth mission. Hah.

It took me about 30 minutes to remember how to Spider-Man, but this game still looks and feels great, damn

December, 2021


3h 0m

Overwatch! It's... still fun!


3h 0m

Played through the early Hive section, up to Pharod's Court.

Kind of speeding through on the critical path, as I've decided that part of the thing that killed my run-through of Baldur's Gate earlier this year was the desire/necessity of a completionist playstyle.

Also loving the density of this, after the sparsity of BG. Every named NPC, even random shopkeepers and layabouts, have interesting things to say.

Still more fights than I remember, but fortunately the random unavoidable ones (the thugs that jump you in the Hive, for instance) are really easy.

November, 2021


4h 0m

Picked up the Switch version today. I already bought this game full-price on two different platforms (PS4 & Oculus), so I wanted to wait for a sale.

Wish I’d done it earlier tho. The Switch version feels like the ultimate version of an already top-notch game.

3h 0m


The Sunday Session
Fallout 2, session 2

Oof. Coming back to Fallout 2 twenty years later is ruff, y’all

This feels like the devs had 11 months to take their existing assets and turn out a bigger, better sequel to one of the most influential RPGs of all time. It feels like that because this is exactly what happened.

Honestly, I don’t get why folks prefer FO2 to the original. Even on my first playthrough in the 90s, I remember thinking FO2 felt twice as big and twice as empty. It’s the proto-version of the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey problem.

Played through the second section of the game, in the very boring Den. Rescued Vic, and you have the option from there to go to Vault City or Redding.

I opted to go to Vault City, which in fact sneakily steers you discovering Modoc instead. The trouble with Modoc is…. It’s super boring! Not even counting Arroyo, it’s the third boring farm town in a row that you end up having to save in the first act of the game.

In Modoc, I got eaten by wild dogs in a poorly constructed sidequest, and had zero desire to reload.

Thinking I’m gonna abandon FO2 and gonna skip ahead down the list again. Just not feelin’ this.

Next up: Planescape Torment!
