412 Reviews liked by lucasq

I actually like this one less than the original, for whatever reason

This will probably be forever my favorite Dragon Quest game

The extremely zoomed in screen and lack of color makes this one almost impossible to get your bearings without a map. I do, however, appreciate what they were going for and how this is very well-tailored for portable gaming.

I still can't fully enjoy the soundtrack, but it does create a very different, perhaps brutal and jarring, vibe to this game and that I can get behind.

I can see how people think this is a rough start, especially if you know what awaits you further on, but honestly this part of the game only grew on me as time went on and I think the slow burn is quite charming

It's so cool and would be so so much cooler if it was significantly shorter, but that was the one issue present in the original game so I think it's just their style at this point

As much as I like Dual Destinies I'm so glad this game toned down the hand-holding

If you're able to go past the insanely hard first 5 hours or so you get rewarded with what is basically a miracle in NES cartridge form

It's criminal how few people will have played one of the most unique games ever made.

I literally bought another Wii U because mine broke down while I was playing this and restarted it all from the beginning just because it's that good

This game will forever get an unfair treatment and it's never gonna get better because it'll always be stuck to the Wii U

This is the slightly better one, but yeah I don't really enjoy Fates that much.

Character design was really good though

I don't actually like this one, but I love SaGa and I've been told more than once by people I trust that this is good so maybe the Pixel Remaster will be a different experience

I actually absolutely hate this game in retrospect, but I did have a lot of fun when it released

It's kinda frustratingly well made because it just amounts to nothing, basically.

Nobody actually understands this game aside from a very superficial and weird first impression they have about it and it just keeps showing to this day.

But I rest easy knowing that in some few years it's gonna be that one "cult classic" and people will change their tune

Unlike Days, this one you should just watch the movie