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(didn't play the first one)
There's allot I love about this game but gets brought down with some personal things I didn't enjoy.
For starters the ost and characters are amazing. I love the build up for rindos character on week 2, he was always indecisive and never spoke up about anything, we would see the main party communicate with each other and he would be on his phone or just thinking to himself. It all culminates at the end of the week when the man rindo looked up to was actually a fraud and never meant anything he said. Or fret not taking anything seriously in fear he would go through the emotions of losing someone again. All the stuff he would say to kanon meant nothing since he never said what he truly felt. Nagi didn't have an arc for herself but since she was so good at reading people she would always be there to support the group when they were feeling down. Ost of the year they went hard with it.
Now for the things I didn't enjoy as much was the combat. From the beginning i never really vibe with it, it really felt like i was mashing most of the times. I was told that as you kept getting party members the combat gets better (which I do agree with) but i feel like it was already a bit to late. You get neku on either day 3 or 4 (cant remember) on the last week. More characters means more chances of building up groove which was the most fun part of the gameplay for me. More pin options is always nice but I never branched out to different pins since I never needed to (on hard). Another big one was definitely Kubo. He felt like he was there just to be a twist villain. What makes it worse is that everyone forgets about him so what's even the point of him being a villain. There's smaller stuff I dislike which are not being able to fast travel and the side quests system. The food system is a really cool idea but having to walk back and forth instead of fast traveling to the shop was pretty bad. I know each spot is locked for story reasons but maybe make it if you visited the place once a day you can fast travel to it which would reset each day. Having to redo a day to if you missed a quest is pretty bad especially without an option to skip the dialogue. Lets say you say fuck it and miss a quest the amount of other quest you lock yourself out of is insane. I reset a day in fear that would happen and no skip feature made it a worse experience. Resolving the first game plot in this one was not the best idea at least for me. I get that the early fans wanted a resolution after the cliffhanger ending but I just don't have any inclination to play the first one now. I know the reunion and other non neo characters interactions are small in time but I just didn't care.
Overall I really did enjoy this games characters and story. i think my experience would have been a bit better if i played the first one but oh well. I do feel bad for ranking it lowish but the things I didn't like really stayed through most of the game. It gets me sad that this game underperformed because I would love to see more from the angels and what Minamimoto is cooking. Anyways Shibuya Survivor clears

Chained echoes really brought out what I love about JRPG. The turn based combat is very enjoyable. It defines itself with the overdrive feature having moves fill up the overdrive gauge and others bring it down is so simple but an effective way to keep you engaged with the combat. While I feel like it can be a bit hard to get moves to lower the gauge at the right time it just means you need to play a bit different than usual since it does feel like its random at times. Each characters feels so unique in what they do each feels like they have a roll they serve and you can chose which playstyle you prefer. Each character comes with a variety of skills which I appreciate more options the better. While I'm not the biggest fan of the sky armor battles they're fine, i just enjoy the normal combat more because of how much variety their is in making the characters. Overall the game looks amazing, the pixel art is top notch. Each area feels distinct from exploring forests, mountain ranges, or a place which was consumed by fungus. Exploring each area felt so rewarding getting different cores, armor, and emblems to upgrade your characters, it all tied in nicely. I didn't want to leave each area without getting all the chest or emblems it was that good. Not to spoil much about the story but it was pretty good idk if its just brainrot but it feels like it takes inspiration from one piece and aot. Echoes reminding me of wills being passed down, having a heavy burdens being passed on to you, and especially the ending. I read a couple of reviews before writing this one and i didn't see much about this but the worldbuilding in this game is superb. The seven true kings, the harbringer, the academy of (spoiler), the masked man, the church, the other branches, Markus, etc. There's so much lore to this game but maybe a bit to much. We don't really get answers to some of the lore that was brought which is really unfortunate, like they're dangling a carrot on a stick and we cant reach it. I'm hoping in the future we can get a sequel to this game because I feel like we barely scratched the surface of what the world has to offer. The only real downside I have with this game is by having more team members, some get more screen time than others (just like op fr) its the trade off for having more options for combat I guess. I believe the story telling could have been a bit better definitely felt like some uninteresting gaps in the story, but overall it was fine.
Chained echoes really surpassed my expectations with amazing combat gorgeous artwork and great world building. If you're a fan of turn based games and worldbuilding this game is for you

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Going into this game I thought how in the world would they top the first botw and here we are. This game takes the original botw and adds so much more content. The biggest change from the first game is the zonai building. You collect capsule that contain different objects which you can use to build pretty much anything you want. From building a car to a making a krorok torture device anything means anything. All your creations can be used for exploration or combat, this game gives you the freedom to do allot you couldn't do in the base game. Combat is pretty much the same instead of having a weapon break every few hits now you can fuse materials to various weapons so it can break in a few hits. The story felt like such an upgrade to the first seeing the flashbacks from zelda were heartbreaking. The regional quest not so much they were okay but not anything that the first game didn't do. The bosses felt like such an upgrade compare to the blight enemies. The temples were more appealing than in the first which I missed from the older games. Seeing all the old characters come back was a treat, Paya and sidon the goats fr.
Although I really like this game it does have big problems that bring this game down. The sages powers feel like such a downgrade to the champions powers. Having to chase around the sages instead of pressing a button is awful. It could of easily been fixed by having a button mapped to it. Another big problem I have was the dragon memories. This game is built on letting the player have as much freedom as possible so skipping the impa quest to find the order off the memories is bound to happen. Getting spoiled on the story because you didn't do a quest feels counterintuitive from what the game lets you do. Fortunately for me the only ones I saw didn't have as much spoiler's as the others but its still a bad way to handle the memories. The sky islands were pretty disappointing other than the tutorial area it all felt bland and repeated the same puzzle. Ganondorf also felt bland, it sucks because his design is so good. They've shown us that they can make ganondorf into more than just an evil character.
Even with all the things I didn't enjoy it was all outweighed by how good everything else was. It just goes to show how good this game is.
Also mipha>>>>>>paya

Fire emblem engage has the most unfortunate release I've seen. After being delayed for 2 years and constantly being compare to three houses this game already had a really bad start. Instead of focusing on a wider narrative and more developed character, it tackles the main gameplay in a phenomenal way.

The combat might be the same og fe gameplay but with the additions of rings and the break system really helps itself stand out among the rest. Maddening was an amazing experience instead of being bombarded with constant reinforcements or enemies with inflated stats, the enemies were difficult to deal with but not impossible to beat. Bosses having extra lives is a great change which I hope they can keep in later games, felt more challenging than just ending turn in front of them.

While I am a monastery hater I don't really think the somniel fixed the problems it had. It was like instead of taking 30 minutes in the monestary now its 25 minutes in the somniel. Of course its all optional but I tried to optimize as much as I could in both games but the monestary was taking more time seeing what the characters would say in vs optimizing gameplay in the somniel. Pick your poison I guess. They really got it right with My Castle.

Story was decent at best it has a couple good moments towards the end but really just the power of friendship and everyone loves the protag. Supports were fine some stand out like ivy and panette and some less like celine talking about tea for the millionth time.

I really wish this game wasn't compared to three houses so much they both handle different fe aspects differently. Personally I prefer gameplay over story so I am bit bias but this game is really fun and I enjoyed my time playing it. In the end there's only one game that has goldmary so engage >>>>>>>>> three houses

Cant say im much of a fan of this dlc, maps felt like torture than fun. Not the biggest fan of constant reinforcements. FE has shown us before that you can make maps difficult without bombarding us with enemy's. Last chapter was pretty peak tho took me a couple of days to beat it. Nil and Nel were some of the most useless dragons I've used, they did absolutely nothing. Not being able to level up bonds and being able to give them skills was an awful experience.

Story was funny, seeing the polar opposite of the royals gave me a good chuckle her and there but in all it was just meh

Best part about the dlc was getting camilla ring.

Going from engage dlc to futured redeemed was a crazy experience.

I loved everything about this game the characters, combat and, exploration all tied in nicely. Exploring and doing side quest felt so rewarding, I couldn't leave an area without filling up the map.

Story was peak giving us some answers from base game was very needed after 3 ending.

Allot of people hoped base 3 was more like future redeemed in terms of characters like shulk and rex appearing, but I appreciate 3 telling its own story without relying heavily on past characters so we can get this amazing dlc.

First eleven chapters were peak but after that they go on this anime filler arc which just made me uninterested in the story. Gameplay was alright just felt a little betrayed after how good the story was.

Story was okay but the maps felt easier and less thought out than conquest. Kaze the goat tho

Camilla did not carry this game

This game goes against everything I believe in, I prefer gameplay over story but the presentation, artwork, and voice acting in this game is top notch. I would never replay this game but I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it.

I enjoyed this game the first time I played through it, but as i kept replaying it really showed some flaws. The monestary was good the first time but at some point I don't want to take 30 minutes each time I go there. The months duration really break the pace of the game I just want to advance the story but I don't want to miss out on all the stuff. Also after playing all the routes theres some routes that get more love than others which is really unfortunate edelgards route needed more. Overall most of my problems come from replaying it allot but Fe is built on replayability so oh well.
Marianne and hilda goated tho


Best mario sports game fr. Ost was great and i loved the map designs. White mage can get it fr

Didnt have wifi at the time when this came out lmao. Kid me knew the story mode in an out

I played it on the gba and its so much fun. Most memorable 2d mario game fr