so sorry to my cousin I might of deleted her save file so I could pay the game from the start

Guys do not fall into FOMO, im never getting my $60 back

You can tell this game was testing the waters for a more bigger open world game, but unfortunately its also its downfall. Everything else feels so meh, cool pokemon designs tho.

Idk if its because people hyped this game much but after playing it I felt a bit disappointed. It just felt like a normal pokemon game, nothing it did made me jump out my seat. I have no nostalgia for this game so maybe its that

the game is pretty easy, megas are cool tho i need them back

I love the pokemon and characters in this game. The islands were a cool idea just wished I didn't have to play that minigame to get to a different island. People who complained about the dialogue are weak.

I almost turned back this game after the first day but I kept playing and i really enjoyed my time with this game. The story left me in awe I thought they were done telling good stories in a pokemon game.

It does have huge issues, the graphics are atrocious and this might be a me thing, but I think this game definitely needed level scaling. I was level 40 when I took out gyms that were 15-30 level range. I would rather follow an order for the gyms instead of how they did it here.

Overall this is a good direction for the pokemon series, but you can tell their game release schedule is working against them.

I usually only fill the pokedex for the shiny charm but this game made me want to catch pokemon for more than just the shiny charm. They actually made catching pokemon fun.

Gen 5 lives up to the hype I kneel

I love the difficulty in this game. Anytime I get the urge to do a nuzlocke I always think of this game.

This game was almost the perfect fe game but unfortunately fell off a bit towards the end. I loved how the world developed outside of Ike's perspective, made the world and their leaders feel so real. Each group has different upbringings and dilemmas which makes you empathize with them so much more. What a great character Ike is, he's hands down the best Lord. The end credit scene had me speechless he's the goat fr.

Twitter wasn't wrong about these games, they go hard.

The characters and worldbuilding are so good. I loved talking to people in a town and then seeing them again in another town, its a small detail but it makes the world feel more alive. The combat system is cool, crafts are a thing I didn't think I would enjoy but as I got more, it opened up allot of cool strats.

I can tell this is the beginning of something big, I'm very exited to play SC I hope my goat Olivier is in the next game.

This shit was peak fiction. All the stuff that was set up from the first game gets an amazing pay off. It did have a little bit of a slow start but after ch 3 the story and gameplay picks up to create one of the best rpgs I've played. Estelle is definitely top 5 protags, she's so goated.

This was the most connected and disconnected game I've played in awhile

Taking place in a more dungeon type area instead of exploring Liberl is something I feel like only trails can get away with. There is no need to explore Liberl anymore since we did that 2 times already and there's no need to build up characters again since they already did that. I don't mean it in a bad way but if I played a game like this that wasn't trails I wouldn't vibe with it. Short version is that trails can get away with a dungeon like game because they've already set up the characters and world.

While I did enjoy the main Kevin story, I think the biggest thing that came from this games were the doors. They either wrapped up character arcs or moved the story forward which I'm very excited about.

For awhile I never really felt like the main group were a family, more like really good friends, but after the send off at the end it got me hard. Its sad that this is the last time we will get to be with the Liberl group. I'm gonna miss their antics between each other. Going to miss my goat Oliver