a classic for me
the visuals are great, and the combat/mechanics are also great
the story and music is perfect, especially the music
very satisfying game

it's 2015 in a game
extremely memorable, nice story, even though its somewhat "linear" for a choice game
you can't really change too much in this game, maybe kill one or another character, hate some of them etc
but i do get why though, since it was made by a small studio
but the scenario, the art, the music, the FEELING and atmosphere is simply unmatched
never had a game come close to this one in terms of the feeling it "communicates", idk
made me cry a lot too

it's great. the side content is awesome and very well done
the main story is also extremely good and has very good dialogue and some nice "twists"
i do think it has a little bit too much content though. just like arkham city, this has a lot of unnecessary achievements.
the batmobile is a little annoying sometimes but i liked it honestly

you know what, it's actually fun. VERY short, but fun
while my casual RE2 playthrough took more than 6 hours, this one took 3 hours
it's okay, doesn't have too many boring parts, except for the Carlos ones
which you just get an assault rifle and you just have to keep fucking gunning down the zombies, extremely boring and annoying
very linear too, which kinda sucks
and i hate how unbalanced the game is. you can get bit by 3 zombies in a row and have no time to react, since the game has no "hit cooldown"
also the final boss simply sucks, it has literally nothing interesting, and it sucks specially on higher difficulties, its not even too much of a skill issue, it just sucks really badly and its not fun

i've played this game pretty much my entire life, means a lot to me
it's actually surprisingly good, something about it makes it so charming
the 360/ps3 atmosphere is so good
the story is great, and the dialogue is VERY good
the side content is also very good, it's not something simple and boring, its actually very good
the ammount of collectibles, though...

i dont know exactly what about makes this game so good for me
i've been playing this pretty much non stop for like, 3 years
it's a simple game, and thats good, because you can just play it anytime you like and you don't need to grind for anything or stupid stuff like that
the coop is so great and can always be fun
a shame that the versus mode is plagued with weird and annoying people, but i guess that happens with an old game

surprisingly good, you don't really expect a lot from a hero game but this one actually surprises you
it is kinda old though, controls are a little "heavy" idk, also has a fair amount of bugs that actually stop your progress
still great though, very memorable story and dialogue

extremely memorable, the map is awesome, the soundtrack is great
has a lot of content, even just the main story is already a lot of content
the story and dialogue is EXTREMELY good
has some annoying and boring missions though
and an annoying ammount of collectibles

a classic, it's old but still kinda great
the xen levels kinda suck though lol
and the game is just kinda hard sometimes, i think
but overall very memorable and good

very good, the puzzles are amazing and the fact that its not very linear makes it good, at least at the start
the atmosphere and scariness is amazing
its not very replay friendly though. game is packed with long unskippable cutscenes, and the boat part sucks very badly
also just has a LOT of paid and EXPENSIVE DLC

a classic, very solid game
gameplay is good, everything is done well
it does get a little annoying by the end though, the castle part just drags on a little bit
and the island part is just... mid

it's such a classic, you're pretty much obligated to play it
each section was very memorable to me, the mechanics were somewhat simple but done well
maybe except for a few boring parts

another RE that gets you hooked for a lot of playthroughs
it's a little too linear though, considering RE7
this one actually lacks those annoying sections that RE games have, except maybe for like, one battle, and its not even that bad
great mechanics, obviously remembers a lot of RE4
the dlc however is very boring and annoying

fun at the start, nice visuals but it only goes downhill
quests get extremely annoying, the fifty walls of text after walking five meters
+ getting characters is annoying af

i actually played this for 50~ hours a few years ago and it was good, i think
but nowadays i just get bored of it in minutes
i guess its the lack of objective for me, i can't get to like it again, unfortunately
the game looks cool and the music is good though