pure white creatures with deep black eyes

one game per character. creature AND THEIR EYES must be visible on game art. just having white head counts. also, i am inconsistent with rules. these creatures should give the feeling of "oh yeah, that's a white thing with silly little black eyes." non-exhaustive, obviously.

i've never heard of some of these games i just looked at the art <3

black creature sister list


4 months ago

reminds me of that meme about indie game character design if you know what i mean
"fez" was also in that one

idk if you take recs but here are some others that could fit, some more some less:
everything is going to be okay
he fucked the girl out of me
D*sco Ep

4 months ago

@ThinkingFella added a few of those, thanks! some of their eyes weren't quite black enough for my desires (and cuphead's tongue makes it feel off), but a few more additions is good in my book

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