there is a yume nikki shaped imprint on my heart i love this game


let me play this game for the first time again PLEASE

playing this game in middle school and then in my 20s was wild (weird autumn goes so hard still)

never made it past night 3 har har har har har har

capturing all the endemic life ruined my life 10/10

movement so yummy, wirebug will live on eternally in my heart

untouchable in bowling and tennis open to 1v1s

what would YOU do if there was a zombie on YOUR lawn? ,':|

scrumdiddlyumptious I wait so patiently for the dlc

gameplay and story SO solid

If they make a new pokepark on the switch or even just remaster these for the switch i will cry my eyes out of pure joy

somewhere in my heart i remember gurrdurr whopping my *** on here when i was little n i wouldn't trade that for the world

a bunch of mini-games n exploration to make friends w/ other pokemon :>

I LOVE THIS GAME SOOO MUCH, this went so hard when I was a 7 year old and even now

so fun and silly with friends- but everyday I mourn the offensive heal playstyle

WHYYYYY are loot bugs so scary to me :[

this game has comedic timing built-in as a game mechanic I swear. perfect game to play with friends! :3