You know a mod has extremely solid improvements when it makes you think that its base game is not actually that good anymore.

I like how there are more color palette options than levels.

My "I definitively know how to read and spell" shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.

Really appreciate how there are 13 playable characters and 12 are openly gay, with a single token straight dude.

Even the mythical reanimated skeleton of legend is kinda 💅💅💅.

When I'm in a being fucking awesome competition and my opponent is the guitar solo from RAZYEDAESH MNE NUTRO 😭😭😭.

Watching a so called "friend" beat this in 15 minutes while it took me like 4 hours completely ruined my night.

It's all fun and games reading this with your friends in vc until the white boy in your group starts laughing a couple decibels higher than usual at those scenes with Mr. White.

Guys, you won't believe what just dropped ❗️❗️

Maybe some catgirls can use chainsaws to do a little bit of massacre.

As a treat.

Another game stuck in that specific period of time in which some racing games wanted to deviate from the more fun and traditional arcade gameplay, to the more grounded realism type of "how it really felt to actually drive" so they had all these systems ready that accurately represented elements from real races, but whose vehicle controls were just not quite fit for it..

I have never never never ever read a gay story in which I can relate to both the top and the bottom at such an extent, congrats NomNomNami, this is the greatest thing to happen to the gay men community since Team Fortress 2.

Ah yes, the one thing Picross fans dont get enough in their lives:


Its extremely important that the last game you play in a given year is always a League of Legends related one, to curse yourself for the following year to come.

Here's to a miserable 2024 everyone, cheers 🥂

You can't say "its fun but it reminds me of my ex so it makes me feel weird and lonely whenever I play" without saying "fun".