I didn't read their abilities before playing against them, so finding out in the Medieval Era after Klee declared war on me, that her so called "Jumpy Dumpty" is a NUKE that comes in freaking 1200 years earlier, was one of the funniest and scariest experiences I've ever had in gaming.

Freakishly hard to put into words, but whenever something weird happened in the story, there was always a voice in my head that made sure I never forget that "This game was made before the movie Cars (2006)" and everything seemed to make sense.

Step aside Mario Wonder, this is how you actually give Mario some art direction without stealing fan ideas.

This is gonna be mad easy, I have been doing everything perfect until know, I've watched drum tutorials on FL Studio, I took music classes for 6 years, I know how to play Tubular Bells in 15/8, I've composed a third stream melody in 5/7, how hard can this ge-
no more cues!
... Anyway my record is 12 haha fun game😭

I learned more about my friends in the 3 minutes after a coil-head showed up than I ever did in the 6 years we shared together on Discord.

Montezuma: Send me luxury resources or I will denounce you
Wilfred: Send me diplomatic points or I will denounce you
Teddy Roosevelt: Send me aluminum or I will denounce you
Wilhelmina: Send me trades or I will denounce you
Civ 6 chinese gacha mod: 我的朋友,如果你擁抱 yaoi,我將獎勵你強大的單位

My favorite tin foil hat theory in videogames is one that I remember reading around 2014-2015 that said one of the reasons Lost Levels was made this way, was because Nintendo received a lot of letters praising the game, and in particular, the level 7-4.

Those letters being supposedly sent by the people who worked on the Commodore, hoping that when the inevitable Mario sequel was out, it would suck and kids would want to stop playing on the NES and give the Commodore 64 a shot.

Final Pulverizer: "Raven you fool, my blades are so powerful they can even cut diamonds"
My shitty tank legs raven trying to cheese the fight with the Laser Cannon and Parry Blade: "I'm not wearing any diamonds"

" Hijo mio, construyes una galeria y un monumento "
" Una galeria y un monumento, una galeria y un monumento, una galeria y un monumento... "
" Wo.. woo... wou"
" Vea perro lambeculo no me baya ser olvidar de la una serrería y un puerto "

I really hope that with the next civ games they keep the red notification system for mostly useless shit like low amenities or low housing when you're close to building a wonder in the early game, because the pavlovian conditioning of immediately restarting the whole game is hilarious.

I adore when rhythm games just make shit up to sound cool.

Sure, you could say those robots are just dancing ballet, but it'd be way more dope if we pretend its actually the new upcoming dance style of "japanese mech jazz".

Its probably worse than fnaf 3 but i respect it wayyy more because the person making it clearly cared about it and didnt just do less than the bare minimum while waiting for Matpat to make it relevant.

We need more horror games that can only run in a 500 x 500 resolution or else they just instantly crash Windows.

- Aye, yourself.
- Nice hat.
- So, tell me about LOOM. <---
- Nice talking to you.