super fun as my first smt game. combat is really engaging and rewarding! exploration is pretty sick but could use some improvements. story sucks balls but the combat/strategy carried it all the way for me

surprisingly really fun. maintains the funny factor of worms while spicin things up

fun puzzle game that happens to feature hot women

deserves all of the undying praise it gets. for $15 (or less on sale) you get an extremely fun and engaging game that's filled to the brim with content and is still being updated for free. farming sims arent for everyone but i really think that just about anybody can play this game and get sucked into all it has to offer. perfect to go bucknuts minmaxing on and/or just chill after a long day/week.

this game was "there for me" during a really Not Great Time in my life which is what makes it even more meaningful to me. now that i think about it, its almost like the player character leaving joja to go to stardew valley was parallel to me getting away from my Not Awesome Experience and playing this game for as much as my free time allowed me to. isn't that cute

this is one of the few truly life-changing games for me and its so awesome that other people have had the same experience. they don't call me Mr. Reddit, but the subreddit for this game is really chill and i often find myself reading people's stories about their time with the game that are similar to mine and its quite lovely innit.

also it has co-op now so you can share this beautiful game with a homie. Play Stardew Valley

Minecraft is "The Game" to me. As for many other people, it was truly the catalyst for my undying love for video games. I'll never be able to find the words to express just how much it means to me and knowing that so many others share the same sentiment is heartwarming.

Survival multiplayer is really what this game is all about. This game truly defines my childhood and continues to be a large part of my adult life, which is a bit silly but I Don't Give a Crud. Me and my friends' bi-seasonal playthroughs of this game continue to create some of my most fond gaming memories and I don't think anything will ever be more therapeutic for me in terms of media than kicking back on a calm evening and playing Minecraft with the boys. I almost feel like I'm in another world, it's nuts.

This game isn't perfect, but it is absolutely as close as it gets. I don't even take advantage of its endless possibilities (which are mindblowing), I simply vibe. If I could erase my memory of one game and experience it anew, it's gotta be Minecraft. A playthrough is at its peak when its filled with discovery, and while the 2022 Minecraft experience can't quite give me that, it's nothing short of amazing.

one of the coolest games ever. it somehow went under the radar for me for years but the combat, exploration, and movement are all fantastic. being able to experience this with up to 3 other friends is just the cherry on top. amazing experience

very neat cyberpunk VN with awesome music and art. Fuck the stupid ass arcade game achievement I'm never getting that ever

really good game to play through in one or two sittings. level design is pretty much top-notch and the music is absolutely Bangin. i don't mind the length as i much prefer the shorter experience as opposed to the game overstaying its welcome. my only complaint really is how often bowser shows up. he got in the way of a couple shines i was already working on getting which was kinda annoying but maybe that's the point? i also think having to wait for him to spawn just to bust open some blocks is kinda lame. like it makes sense thematically but it feels a bit forced. i wish you coulda somehow summoned him at will in the latter half of the game to avoid little annoyances. having to play defensively was pretty damn cool though, as were the boss fights

overall a banger of a game and a pretty neat insight to the potential future of 3d Mario.

also the little kitties are very cute

one of the most unique and wacky games i've ever played, only second to its threequel. travis touchdown is so fun to watch and listen to and the writing and voice direction here is superb. gameplay loop is great and enjoyable, which is the cherry (or should i say the strawberry) on top of it being the driving force for you to progress to the next perfectly voiced and animated cutscene. a few of the bosses made me want to blow my brains out but it was all worth it in the end.
i didn't expect perfection nor did i get it but this satirical portrayal of so many things wrapped up into a bundle of fuckery is absolutely brilliant. its a game that's equally profound and absurd and i think everybody needs to play it

p.s. thanks brando for introducing me to this series

This game is like the ballbusting of video games that I've played, and anybody that knows me knows that ballbusting is one of the few things you couldn't pay me to try out.
Anyways, Nuclear Throne is one of the first roguelikes I ever played and boy did I suck balls at it when I first started. 200+ hours later and I still suck ass, but knowledge is power and power is power or something like that! I don't do many drugs, as they don't call me Big Drugs Guy, but playing this game and coming back to it countless times after wanting to saw my limbs off because of it is probably the closest thing to a relapse that I've ever experienced.
Knowing jack shit on my first go but finishing (or rather, usually not finishing) each run gave me more insight not just to how the game works, but how I do. And I am a dumb Little Baby Goblin Idiot.
I am admittedly probably below average in skill for a guy who's played over 200 hours of this Hellfuck of a game, but boy do I love it. It's just pure roguelike fun at its finest and that's why I keep coming back to it. It's one of my favorite games of all-time and I look back very fondly on my first W, amongst the many other bittersweet memories I have with this funky game.

base game is super fun on its own but the steam workshop compatibility is what makes this game shine. from playable obama to playable obama, it offers so much creativity and its so awesome seeing what people can come up with

manages to polish the already near-perfect original in ways that i couldn't imagine while tossing in new content that really made the experience feel fresh. this game is so damn good.
DLC sucks though screw you atlus