i dont care about this game at all but it deserves some credit from me for just the countless amount of hours of enjoyment my mom has received from this game. i think she's at level 4000+ right now

My first ever favorite video game, when I was literally 5 years old. I adored this game and played it so much over and over again. I've played it a few times as an adult but I never get very far into it because I don't want to destroy my perfect memory of this game. I loved this game SO much.

When i was a kid i was angry that I never got a say in what video games my family purchased for the Wii. so i saw that we had points saved on the wii shop channel so I impulsively bought this game because it looked cool and had fun colors. My family all got super pissed at me it was worth it tho

I COULDNT GET THE PATTERNS TO DOWNLOAD ONTO MY PHONE!!!!!! like BRO!!!! this is a mobile game therefore its only relevance to me is whether or not it can be effectively played while my phone is on airplane mode during flights.

when im not on airplane mode and the patterns do work this game is quite relaxing very nice relaxation game tyvm

they gotta take out the combat and the guns and shit and turn it into just a peaceful mining game

exactly what it says on the tin

Is it cheating to give a good review to games my brother has worked on?
Well, .

I don't care

Spent three straight hours playing this in the dark in my bed and it was amazing
Literally just puzzle mode of this game has been my coping mechanism for the past week

you walk. you get pikmin. that's it. it is perfect.

you guys complain too much about shit being pretentious. things can be artsy. like. you guys really get worked up over nothing. the puzzles are super fun, the island is beautiful and very fun to explore, and the more artsy flourishes are really neat. love this game

quite fun but pretty short and really not too much to do in it, TBQH, a little not worth the price tag

finally a game that lets me live my fantasy of sucking up all the traffic on the 405 into a giant hole

It is about fucking time i experienced being born in a video game