Really cute and solid RPG!!! This game is funny, cute, and unapologetically gay.

The great art and solid RPG elements are really worth the play in general, but story is extremely fun and the characters are very likeable. The artstyle is honestly fantastic, the colors choices and pixel art are really on point. And the gameplay that the party has with each other in battle is a super nice synergy mixed with the many, MANY loadouts that change how they play. It's obvious that each character could play a little different on each playthrough if you wanted to try out new equipment. The soundtrack is amazing as well with a good mix of more classic tracks with some really funky surreal ones. If you think you would enjoy a wholesome, cute, RPG experience I really can't recommend it enough.

My only critic is that sometimes it can get very word-y in conversations and that there are very minor bugs still here and there - but otherwise this is def a game I'm super glad I played!! I will be revisiting in the future for nostalgia's sake I can feel it lmao.


I have a lot of thoughts on this game. Firstly, probably buy it on sale lmao.

This game is so genuinely breathtaking, it hurts me to give it such a low score. I can say for certain that I have never played a prettier horror game. Start to finish the whole thing is eye candy- with an breathtaking level of sculptural detail and composition particularly. The music is also a class act in ambiance and atmosphere - the sound design on this game is so, so, so, sick.

However... The game itself seems confused. I am someone that would've enjoyed this game more as a puzzle game rather than a shooter, but the game is really a 60% puzzle/walking sim and 40% shooting. For a long while in the game you will only have a melee gun that is god awful to use. Many, many times there are puzzle pieces that are hard to find in the expansive environment. There were a few times that I was truly stumped and had to use a walkthrough, and a few solutions I have no idea how you would even solve that on your own without just... trying everything.

Saving is also an issue, as the game has no quick saves except in between Acts. The game doesn't tell you anywhere that it will save before you quit. I understand the want to not have players reload saves to cheese things, but if it was communicated I think would've hated the concept less. You felt very trapped, and while there is an argument for immersion, I can't say I liked it personally.

The good puzzles however are super fun, I almost wish there was more of them as its my preference and I think the game works more as a puzzle/walking sim in its current state than it does as a shooter. For those who were advertised a shooter, I understand your outrage. You definitely were lied to.

While the story of this game is vague and open ended, I didn't mind it at all. If you want to play a very "it's all vibes" kinda game with a lot of fun world building, this definitely delivers - Though I wouldn't recommend streaming it on twitch during Act 5 as there are some NSFW elements lmao.

Overall I find myself writing a lot for this game because... well like everyone else, I wanted a lot more from it. To me, it doesn't matter that its short or slow or vague (I even like these elements!!) but rather the clear fighting between the elements designed for puzzles and the elements made for shooting. It's a real shame, making the game almost a frustrating experience at times because it doesn't know what it wants to be. I might be biased/cynical but it feels like a game made from a studio that wanted to make a puzzle/walking sim after they already promised investors a first person shooter. It's so genuinely close to being a real horror classic and I hope that at the least the art portion of this game can live on for years to come.

There's a lot of good stuff in this very meh game.

Unfortunately had to shelve this one, as I'm not really that skilled at shooters u_u This game requires some time to master, even from people that are pretty good at shooters, so something to keep in mind.

However, that being said- i absolutely love the aesthetic choices in this game and the humor is very fun. If I had the time to get good at this game I would play it further, but at this time I really don't. Shelved for now, but hopefully I can come back to it with more time to give it!

Oh this game is fantastic. I was new to playing this genre of resource management horror game, so if that's the case with you as well, I highly suggest using the Casual game mode, as it made this great game really accessible for new players. If you are a fan of silent hill/resident evil, you will def be in for another great time.

It's all vibes, babes. This game has such an excellent aesthetic tone and artistic vision. The gameplay and map design is extremely solid, but the art design of this game is SO fucking good. The music and art mix with one another to create one hell of an experience. The visuals are reminiscent of 90s anime like EVA (particularly because of the technology/sci-fi aspect) and its just so fucking cool.

Also puzzles... the PUZZLES.... such a delicious little treat for a puzzle enjoyer such as myself. I was genuinely so thrilled to find another little puzzle area, because after the first few I just KNEW that all the puzzles in the game were going to be good. They give you all the pieces, they are satisfying to solve, and they weren't ever TOO easy. Perfect. Delectable. Scrumptious.

The progression and pacing through this game is also something that is so finely crafted. It can be easy to have a story that wanders off for so long, that you just fall out of the mystery. This game keeps you active listening both in and out of cutscenes, trying to piece together this super fun story till the very end. The way the enemies were created and how that information was reveled was particularly good, especially how they behave and why. There was so much thought put into this game and its world.

I had a spectacular time. I ADORED that this game is about a 10-12 hour game as well. Such a polished experience that keeps you interested the whole time. I will absolutely be coming back for a second playthrough when I have the time. : ] (and probably watching a video about the ending lol)

Super fun game with unique gameplay! There are multiple endings with this game, and while I didn't get all of them, I did get around 10.

This game is honestly a fun time, and I didn't know it was an ARG as well when picking it up. The puzzles are satisfying, and the story is told in a unique way that gives you the pieces in a bunch of different ways and directions, making you feel like you /might/ know the direction its going in, but you're never quite sure.

I had some issues with finding extra content as well as getting one of the ARG elements to run- but otherwise this is a fun game to pick at when you have the time : ]

Super fun 2 hour game worth the play! It's a very high quality free-to-play game, but I will def be picking up the supporter pack : ]

The story is interesting and the puzzles are super fun. Literally my only critic is that I wish it was longer. As a bite size experience, its a super fun time and I have a hard time wondering what else could have been done to polish the experience more - I highly recommend!
(Note: there are some heavy themes, so if you are sensitive to specific things, it might be worth it to look into some warnings for the title!)

Bought this game and its DLC on a whim after missing a good puzzle game in my life. (Namely, the Professor Layton games lol) And if you really enjoy puzzle games, you should definitely consider picking this one up.

In my opinion, this is a perfectly executed game. It knows exactly what it is, plays well, and the art in it is delightful. I have very little complaints other than just wanting more content. I can imagine how playing it on console might make controls a little bulky - but on PC it was perfect.

The music and sfx were also delightful, making the overall experience very satisfying and stress-free the whole time. I genuinely went to work and day dreamed about playing this game in the evening. It had a lighthearted feeling that I really needed right now.

I think for a very long time I discounted how lovely the sub-genre of "comfort gaming" can be in sake of a big dramatic narrative. And while I still love those games, this title really has left a lasting impression on me with just how calm it all felt.

It probably makes me an old lady at heart to enjoy this game THIS much, but thats alright : ]

A great game that requires more time, energy, and focus than I have at the moment u_u I'll have to swing back someday

Played the story mode with my little sister over the holiday - very fun little game! It has cute art and an almost quaint soundtrack. It's got a good difficulty for both kids and adults. (and harder modes for those that want it, as well as new game plus, though I didn't have the time to partake in that myself.)

My biggest complaints come from the story mode wrapping up with very little "huzzah", and the controls overall are a little finicky at times, but that might just be the fact that I'm not amazing at the game. The burrito levels haunt my dreams lol

Very fun little game! Beat it in just under 4 hours, and it was the perfect thing to play while very sick lmao.

Theres a lot of fun little story moments with how things are packed and what items you bring with you. Very cute vibes with good calming music to boot. My only gripe is its a little hard to tell how some items fit into spaces when they are awkwardly shaped and I wish there was a little more, but I really love the title over all : ]

Fun little game with very nice polish! The art and vibe is delightful, but something i really found myself enjoying was the music!

The controls are very tight and as fun as you may have seen on preview videos on twitter (which is where i originally saw them lol) - I do wish it was one more "area" longer, as the crow nest area was on the shorter side, and meeting the bugs was my favorite thing to do in the game.

Please dance with everyone, they will all dance with you : ]

Really loved this title! It has a very solid identity and the reveals in the plot are quite fun. At a first look, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that this is another "depression earthbound-like" game, but that's not quite right. The gameplay is an extremely fun combo of traditional RPG elements and MANY WarioWare-like mini games. I'll leave more detailed thoughts below:

Combat in this game is genuinely so smart. The game cleverly rewards players for interacting with its mini-games by offering big amounts of damage from perfecting them - especially enemy attacks. This means you are always on the offensive in combat, making battles very exciting for those that may not be "into" the turn based format. I love that statuses are also new and exciting in this game. Long gone are the days of turn based poison damage, here statuses effect you're ability to interact with the mini-games, which effects your damage. However if you are a skilled player, you will be able to overcome these hurdles - I really like this, the game is always finding ways of rewarding the player for playing it well.

The art style is very charming - I've genuinely not seen a game that looks quite like it. It's not afraid to throw little doodles in your face for a laugh and the switch from 2D sprites to 3D models in cutscenes is really interesting! It artistically separates the areas of interest very very well. A lot of the animations are also interesting in this game? They are strangely fluid in a way that scratches my brain lmao. The 2D sprites have non-tile based animation in battle, giving them a particularly lively look. (i really love how the applebat moves for instance)

The music knocks it out of the park, I really love all the tracks of the game and I'll be adding quite a few to my playlist soon : ]

I really only have a few criticisms - I think in the first 3-4 hours of the game there are quite a lot of cutscenes. I think it could do well to cut down on a few or allow the player to explore a little earlier. I also wish the girl characters in this game were allowed to be sillier - none of them really reach the silliness in design or personality of B-side, Dolus, Mr. Apricot, etc.

Otherwise, I really adored this game - I could definitely find myself coming back to it to replay one of these days. I really don't see where the lower scores are coming from - but one word of warning, please make sure to pick up the game again once you beat it!

This was a game I've wanted to check out for a few years, and overall I'm glad I did. (and doubly glad I got it heavily discounted) Like others have noted, the writing and narration from Alan Watts can be thoughtful at times, but others it comes off a bit pretentious.

I've listened Alan Watts' lectures before playing this (which is originally what drew me to it) but I think when they are spliced like this the game can loose out on important context or you miss the point of whatever sound bite you're listening to. I also found a hard time really listening to the Alan Watts sound bites and really digesting it and also playing the game. This could be a personal thing, but I found myself stopping to digest the information, and then playing the game. It was always one or the other, but very rarely both due to all the visual and audio stimuli.

Also something that could be better with a controller, but the mouse controls were a bit jank even when tweaking the sensitivity settings.

Overall, it isn't a bad game. If you think you would like a short little calm experience with some fun but possibly pretentious dialogue - its not a bad game to pick up on sale. I don't think I'll be picking it up to play again though.

good stupid fun with friends, a bit unfair at times but that's sorta the point. I wouldn't personally play it alone or with randoms but still a good time despite its quirks.

Less of a game and more of an interactive comic - however, its well executed. It's less about the game itself and more about the feeling that it gives you alongside the visuals. With it being under an hour of playtime, its very much worth the $2 I bought for it on sale.

The music at time is quite moving and the game does a really good job of trying to keep you immersed. However, my one gripe is that while the PC works well, there are times where it expects you to swipe the screen like its a mobile device and it kinda has to remind you to do that with a little visual cue. It takes me out of the immersion every time, and feels a bit like the game is saying "hurry up" when I'm just trying to look at the visuals. I'm not quite sure what the alternative would be though, and it IS a mobile port, so it might just be what the format allows.

It's a chill short game that is confidently telling its story - its not going to give you alternate paths or any hard puzzles and that's totally fine. But I could see how its not someones thing if they didn't know that going in.