(You know the game awards are bullshit because this soundtrack lost to death stranding : / )
A near perfect experience I would recommend to anyone interested in rhythm games. There are some heavy flashing lights and short levels, but otherwise its one of those games you look back on extremely fondly, replay, and fall in love all over again.

You MUST enjoy little riddles, word puzzles, and "Typing of the Dead" style gameplay to truly get this game, but if thats your jam, this game delivers tenfold. I loooove puzzles, and had a blast of a time going through this really refreshing game. The Cryptmaster's voice acting is extremely impressive for being recorded all by one of the devs just for the sheer amount of words, let alone the charming delivery. I did experience some audio bugs with the sound volume being a lil wacky, but nothing horrible.

If you have any interest in this game and love word puzzles, this is a must play. What a genuinely refreshing and fun game!

I'm usually not a fan of horror set in theme parks, but I quite like how this game portrays the park as this dinky, local place - it has a lot of charm. It's a bit puzzle heavy, but I love that sort of thing - The sound design in this game is particularly great, and was the thing best replicated from the 1990s survival horror style. With the game being 5-6 hours, it packs it's runtime with a lot to do and enjoy : ]

Short, simple, and well polished. It's good for a little bit of relaxing gameplay. I like that there's a lot of different looks a building can have as long as you get funky with the placements : ]

short with a few good scares, but it mostly taught me that im bad at paying attention to the environment around me lol

Bought this on a whim because I have a mullet, love my mullet, and this cool guy has a mullet. B ]
This game is deeply stupid and wildly addicting - it's so stylish, and I really appreciate all the options to lower the intensity of the flashing lights and saturation.

(6/17/24 - EDIT: Asmongold and OTK are in this game as an event and its fucking awful. Lowered the score significantly and lost my respect. I was partly through a new replay and just turned it off halfway into the event. You can still read my original review below, but I no longer hold this game in any kind regard.)

This game is clearly inspired by Undertale, and most of the game puts enough of a spin on things to not feel too derivative, but in specific moments it really does feel like it borrows too much. ...That all being said, it's still a really good time! The comedy in this game is really chaotic in a great way, and the battles are quite challenging. The music is particularly good, and a lot of the characters are very likeable.

While I think it gets a lil demoted by being too derivative- if you liked Undertale but wanted more of a challenge or thought it was too sappy/cheesy, this might be a better fit for you!
(P.S. I love you Thunder Goober, even if you gave me IBS.)

It's very good, but just not my thing - even with friends I find myself not really vibing with it. (its probably a skill issue)

I've finished a few runs, and its quite fun! I was confused at first because you aren't really /solving/ mysteries as much as you are playing through several events to progress the story. That being said, its got a great polish to the whole game that's got a lot of character. I've heard the mods for this game really go crazy so I'll have to dip into that one day. My biggest critique now is that the music is rather limited and some menus are still kinda confusing even after learning how to play. Even still, it's a good game to boot up when you've got a free hour or two!

For a gimmick puzzle game, the gimmick is extremely good and well explored. While its not quite as good as things like Stanley Parable or Portal, its enough like those games with its own identity thrown in that its worth playing if you have any interest in it.

Definitely unique. I really thought this was going to be my jam, but it just kinda wasn't. I really appreciate how weird it all looks and sounds, but the writing can be very heavy handed to the point of sounding a bit... young. Nothing awful, but just not my taste I suppose. Still a fun little title to check out if you have an hour or two!

As far as lisa fangames go, this is definitely one of the better ones. If you've played pointless and liked that, its a similar experience to that in a lot of ways. Its also very similar to the Desolate Expantion mod for painful that this dev also made. (which you should check out too! its awesome) I really like that the dev (Redisco) put a lot of his own hand drawn elements in the game, it really makes it stand out from the pack. It's also one of the few Lisa fan games thats actually funny! I think the wackiness of this game feels similar to Painful in great ways.

The game is very clearly inspired by Disco Elysium, and as someone that /loves/ that game, I think Undone can be a bit too similar to it at times. There's also so so so much in this game. Some fans like digging into everything, but for me personally, I think I would've liked less options just overall. I also wish there were just less menus, they pop up before you talk to anyone, getting ur weapon ready, etc etc. It slows down the pacing imo.

All that being said, congrats to redisco and the Undone team! It takes a lot of work to put out a great product like this! I hope they are getting lots of rest lol

I just can't help the feeling that this game would've been better if it didn't get as self-important and dramatic as it does. It's got High highs and low lows. The "undertale" feel its clearly going for is best shown in its wacky cast of characters and silly dialogue. The battles and songs are quite good. I don't personally like the arm mechanic as much, but its still fun to play. A lot of battles have really fun visuals and effects that gives it a chaotic feel in the best way.

That all being said... The story is... not so good. I really wanted to like it, but it seems confused on what it wants to say or show. The plot holds itself up as very self important in a way it really doesn't earn. Also, the lost soul design for me is just too derivative of Gaster and I'm really sad the environments were so bland even if that was "the point".

If you like rhythm games this is worth checking out, but otherwise it might be worth skipping. It's a good game, but it just gets so wrapped up in itself.

It's short and cute, but I don't think its as in-depth or deep as advertised. I think maybe I was expecting too much? To get your full "personality test results" you need to play 3 times, and I'm just not really interested in doing that even if its short. I think others might have a better time with this then I did, but I found it a lil "meh".

Really strong art direction, and a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be for a game written in old english. The characters are great and I really enjoyed the combat even if it was on the simpler side. If you're looking for unique rpgmaker games to play like the classics, you should probably check this one out too.