Best Jojo game, one of my favorite fighting games. This game was made for fans, it's a perfectly crafted love letter. My only gripe is that there are THREE characters from Steel Ball Run, even though it had already ended, and was standing as the longest running Jojo part. I can only hope for another game like this.

I played this game when it came out, and did another playthrough about a year ago. Even on my non-xl 3DS, I still enjoyed it. Some of my favorite Kingdom Hearts worlds are in this one, namely The Grid, and Symphony of Sorcery. The Disney stuff isn't as insufferable as other games in the series, and this is the only one to feature characters from one of the best DS RPGs of all time, TWEWY. I love flowmotion, adding verticality and speed to Sora and Riku's movements makes this one the most fun to move around in. The final boss is ass, though.

Nintendo recognized that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The only problem I have with this one is that Nintendo is fucking monkey brains when it comes to online matchmaking, which makes it really hard to enjoy. But when it works, it makes everything worthwhile. Some of the most fun you can have with an online shooter that you just can't get anywhere else. Get your shit together Nintendo.

I got the special demo for this game. In retrospect, I wish I sold the code on ebay for like $1000. My best memories with this game are playing it with my friends on the bus every morning on the way to and from school. I think I've put over 300 hours in the 3DS version alone, it's definitely my preferred version. Some of my best memories in high school were with this game. A personal favorite.

Great game overall, A Realm Reborn for me was just a slow intro that took me 4 years and two tries to finish

This is probably the most excited I've been to play a game in a long time. That being said, I just can't get into it. I think it's because this game is a lot more sandbox-like since you can place furniture outside and landscape. But I'm not really the type to enjoy those features, so I guess I felt like this game didn't add much for me. However, I'm thinking my mind will change when I have more free time and I can put more thought into it, so for now, this review is tentative.

There's a lot more to this game that meets the eye. It can feel like you've run out of stuff to do when you get everything on the island, but then you can spend time improving your mii's apartments and hooking them up. This isn't a game you can play forever, but the writing is really good, and miis are inherently funny, so it's still entertaining. Also Nintendo promised same sex couples with the next one.

Nintendo really thought this one was worth releasing a second time, 3 years later, with the addition of some characters and karts. I played the shit out of Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, and I was ready for a new game on the switch, but oh well. I have a grudge against this game.

I don't remember playing this one much as a kid, but when it came out on the e-shop I got it and completed it. As a Mario Kart game, it's kind of clunky, but the rigid, early DS graphics have some charm. Some of my favorite tracks are in this one, Airship Fortress, Wario Stadium, and Delfino Square, to name a few. The mission mode is something I wish they would bring back, even if it is just reused assets from Super Mario 64 DS, a lot of Mario DS games did that, so I won't hold that against it. Plus, they did something creative with it, so creative, in fact, they apparently can't do it a second time.

This is the Mario kart I've put the most time in, but that doesn't make it my favorite. The track selection is the best part about this entry, but it doesn't have much else to call its own. I do miss unlocking characters and karts through objectives, but Mario Kart Wii was the last instance of that. I like what this one is, I'm just ready for a new one.

This game definitely did what it set out to do, and nothing more, and that was to make a new 3D Mario experience on a handheld. This was my first 3DS game, and I played straight through it the day I got it, like most people. Mario is fun to play as, and the levels are their own fun little toy box. Overall it's a simple, short experience.

A great Zelda experience. I 100% completed this game over winter break one year, and it was a genuine blast. The gameplay is smooth, the colors are vibrant, and the world is well laid out. None of the dungeons in this one were too bad, I really enjoyed most of them, my favorite being the Dark Palace. There's just the right amount of content in this one, there aren't too many maimai to collect, and since they upgrade your tools you have a reason to hunt for them. One of the better Zelda games.

This one is by far the hardest to beat. Jesus Christ it's nearly impossible to finish ONE Grand Prix without losing 2 out of 4 races to blue shells or POW blocks. Some of the best Mario Kart tracks are in this one though, like Coconut Mall, Mushroom Gorge, and Koopa Cape. This is the last Mario Kart game where you unlock characters and karts through certain objectives, which gives you plenty to do. The most dumb fun Mario Kart game.

This one's really hard. I was able to beat Corona Mountain, but I still have about 15 shines left BEFORE the blue coins. It's still a great experience, though. Just not really a game you can sit down with for a while, it gets really frustrating after repeated attempts. It also doesn't help that the camera is complete garbage in some sections, and Mario can be pretty clunky at times. I recommend taking this one a shine a day.

My favorite in the series, and one of my favorite DS games. I love how everything looks, I still think the writing is funny, and the gameplay is creative and engaging. I have some really good memories playing this game when it came out, and I still think it's worth playing today. A personal favorite.