Me and my friend got in a fight over this game.

This came out when I was in high school, and I will always remember it. People don't like this one, and I can see why. BUT, mega Pokemon are by far my favorite addition to the series to date, that combined with the new fairy type, and the jump to 3D models makes this one an unforgettable experience. The crowded cast and out-of-the-ass story really drag it down, though.

Nintendo recognized that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The only problem I have with this one is that Nintendo is fucking monkey brains when it comes to online matchmaking, which makes it really hard to enjoy. But when it works, it makes everything worthwhile. Some of the most fun you can have with an online shooter that you just can't get anywhere else. Get your shit together Nintendo.

Some of the most fun I've had with online multiplayer. I could pick this game up today and despite being on the Wii U, I would still have just as much fun as I did the day I put it down. One of my favorite games on the system.

A classic. An unforgettable experience. One of my favorite games of all time. If you haven't played this, what the hay are you doing?! A personal favorite.

I had more fun with this one, but not that much more fun. I definitely like the siblings of Nohr a lot more, with the exception of Leo. None of the retainers on either side were really that great, but that also just goes for most of the cast of these games. I like the setting, and overall mood of this one more, plus it's more interesting when you're playing the villain trying to make things good. Corrin is the worst Fire Emblem protagonist, but if you're gonna play Fates, play this one.

This was the version I got when it came out, probably because it was Japanese themed. Even in the hype I thought it was kind of boring, especially compared to it's counterpart. A boring plot, and some of the worst siblings, Takumi, and just a flat cast in general, make this one the inferior version.

I don't remember playing this one much as a kid, but when it came out on the e-shop I got it and completed it. As a Mario Kart game, it's kind of clunky, but the rigid, early DS graphics have some charm. Some of my favorite tracks are in this one, Airship Fortress, Wario Stadium, and Delfino Square, to name a few. The mission mode is something I wish they would bring back, even if it is just reused assets from Super Mario 64 DS, a lot of Mario DS games did that, so I won't hold that against it. Plus, they did something creative with it, so creative, in fact, they apparently can't do it a second time.

My favorite in the series, and one of my favorite DS games. I love how everything looks, I still think the writing is funny, and the gameplay is creative and engaging. I have some really good memories playing this game when it came out, and I still think it's worth playing today. A personal favorite.

My favorite Wii U game, and some of the most excitement I've had for a game's release. This game has everything I wanted in it, smooth controls, beautiful graphics, and loads of bonus content, including an extra character and 3 new worlds. One of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had, me and my friend going for Champion's Road over and over until we finally got it. A personal favorite.

One of the few games I couldn't put down until I beat. Engaging characters, funny writing, outstanding gameplay, that worm feeling you get when you help someone, this game has it all! A great feel-good experience on the switch that anyone can enjoy. A personal favorite.

This is no doubt the best way to play Ocarina of Time, if only for how it looks. Despite being an early 3DS title, this game has one of the best graphical styles on the system. I have a lot of fond memories with this game, and after 3 playthroughs since release, I can say it is one of my favorite 3DS games. A personal favorite.

I played this game when it came out, and did another playthrough about a year ago. Even on my non-xl 3DS, I still enjoyed it. Some of my favorite Kingdom Hearts worlds are in this one, namely The Grid, and Symphony of Sorcery. The Disney stuff isn't as insufferable as other games in the series, and this is the only one to feature characters from one of the best DS RPGs of all time, TWEWY. I love flowmotion, adding verticality and speed to Sora and Riku's movements makes this one the most fun to move around in. The final boss is ass, though.

This might be the game I've put the most hours in. For a long time, I considered it my favorite game of all time. I could pick it up at any time, see my girl Sprinkle, hang out with Mitzi, and feel a little better about myself. I can play with minigames with my friends on the island, get my fortune told, or go clubbing! I still love everything about this game, and I always will. A personal favorite.

A lot of people complain about the controls of this game, but I don't get it. Even as a kid I didn't have a hard time with them. I have a lot of good memories with this game, weirdly enough, I really enjoyed the online multiplayer. One of the best game localizations to date, it's worth a playthrough just for that, if nothing else. A personal favorite.