okay... genuinely, how the fuck did i not review this game before? i love it. it's so good. it's very tedious and i will knock it down for being a bit unfair or unfun sometimes (paralysis ailment hitting me every 15 seconds no joke? dunno what happened there still.) but it's so good. the story drives me insane. i read the manga because i didn't understand it, but now i do and now i feel like my mind is exploding. go play it, it really is worth it. beautiful themes about struggling with religion, survivor's guilt, trauma, and queerness. baroque is a very queer game, that's barely subtle. if you didn't see it then whatever but yeah. it was definitely there. there's a large element of transgenderism in this story.

I like this game. It's pretty silly tbh. Unfortunately, there are some errors with the game stuttering, but that might be that my computer is like... really bad. Lol. It's neat though. I miss the diva house function whatever that was, from the other games. I wanna take care of my little sillies and give them presents!!! Fucked up. Pretty good song selection, though. Overall, a thumbs up from me.

Wow! This game is really neat. I like that the game's mechanics center around jumping through different perspectives and timelines, which made it feel pretty familiar after my Zero Escape adventures, but I liked it overall. It had a pretty interesting story and I enjoyed the way it did its' fourth-wall breaks, didn't feel as cringey as it could have. The only thing is that I felt like the ending was a little lackluster, like there were a lot of moving parts and pieces building up to a conclusion that was pulled off a little bit hastily. However, I enjoyed the puzzle elements a lot and the little moments where you needed to figure things out based on past context from other perspectives. I did also enjoy how the true ending was a twist expanding on what you thought your first bad ending was, that made a lot of sense to me. Unfortunately, I couldn't really rate this game a perfect 5 stars mostly because it did feel like the ending was a little either premature or that the story leading into it wasn't as expansive or in-depth as the middle segment was. The middle segment was one of the best parts of the game, very fantastic. Overall, enjoyed it quite a lot.

I... am not sure how I feel about this one. It's not as good as 999, at least in my opinion, but I actually really enjoyed the story once the characters felt more fleshed out...? But, at the same time, I've heard ZTD is a companion game to this one, so I'll certainly give that one a shot once I'm finished thinking on it. I think the story did make sense but also my head is kind of sore from thinking and I feel like it was... a bit anticlimactic at some points. I liked the setups for the twists but everything pales in comparison to the masterpiece that is the first game. Who knows, maybe I only feel this lukewarm because it's expanding on a formula I've now had experience with. Dunno. Whatevs. Also, maybe it's just me but Clover felt a bit OOC in this one. It bothered me.

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Oh. Oh my god.

I finished this game a few days ago, and god. I don't even know how to express how it makes me feel. I gave myself a few days to think it over, so I'll try to put it into words for this review.

9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors is one of the best visual novels you can play, period. If you want an experience that leaves you guessing, thinking, yearning for answers and perfectly set-up twists that shake your brain a bit, play this game.

The story is masterfully crafted. I love almost every single part of it and I love how each ending, despite appearing at first glance to be an early stop, gives you new information about the full picture that only makes sense later. I started with the coffin ending purely by coincidence, which I believe is the best way to start the game. The setups with the morphogenetic fields, the information Clover gives you about Snake's arm, everything. In every ending, there are tiny setups and wonderful atmospheric tidbits. God, even that one scene where Junpei asks if Snake and Clover are really siblings, and gets the reply that not all siblings look alike.

Santa's entire character is re-contextualized by the information that Akane is his sister.

The music is really fitting. I can admit that I think the replay of each route for new endings gets a bit tedious, but that isn't enough to subtract from my five star rating.

I love how each character just knows all this weird information that they shouldn't. The rants about ice-9 and the titanic, the stuff Seven tells you about that one chemical I forget the name of, Ace's whole situation. That isn't even acknowledging Akane and Junpei's LITERAL ABILITY TO KNOW THINGS FROM TIMELINES IN WHICH BOTH OF THEM EITHER DIE OR FAIL. Well, Junpei through Akane. I'd say Lotus gets a pass for this type of thing cause she just seems to know weird things anyhow. I really liked Lotus, honestly. Misogynists will tell you she's a bitch but she's really sympathetic.

Akane's whole character is wonderful. Her living a life in which everybody remembers a timeline where she was dead the entire time. If Schrodinger's cat was a girl, honestly.

Play this game. It's wonderful. You won't regret it.

I like this game. I also think in some aspects it's better than the second. The visual feel is very haunting and atmospheric, the music is eerie (especially after you calibrate?? those radios), and the lore is simple (for this game specifically) yet well done. It's fun. I think playing it shaped me as a person in some ways. I can't give it higher than a 3.5/5 though. Not because I don't think it's a great experience, just because it's not perfect and quite unpolished in some segments. It feels too easy in some parts. And the story doesn't really kick into being overt until the last section of the game, aside from implied stuff. There are a lot of things wrong with Portal, but I still enjoyed it overall. Very charming game.


Man. this game is beautiful. it's really fun to play and I also think it successfully pulls off the atmosphere it's going for. idk how to express what i mean but it's just a good game. it's a classic for a reason. go play it

oh my fucking lord. it's like if you made nocturne worse in... most ways possible. I played it on the switch, which is objectively the worst way to play it. I wish I played it on PC. the framerate is horrible, why did they.. reuse the compressed ps2 cutscenes? the audio is also wildly compressed but I don't mind so much bc it scratches my brain. the new font also sucks :( it doesn't look good. I wish this wasn't the first way i experienced the game. the ps2 English hack of maniax chronicle is the peak way to experience smt nocturne I feel.

I love this game. It's visually SO appealing and I have played through it more than once. I had a really nice time going through it the first time, plus the characters are fun and all have unique designs. I like it :) a nice experience overall.

I like this game well enough. RPGMaker games are super fun I think, and this one definitely has an extremely unique visual style. It's so cool and I love the use of digitalized claymation. The only thing I have to say about this game that isn't entirely positive is that the game is extremely visually overstimulating for me, and I am just a poor little boy with autism. I like it a lot though. I have the second one purchased and intend on coming around to it sometime soon.

I'm on the final dungeon of this game right now. WOW. This game is actually incredible. I'm having so much fun with it! The gameplay is just barely tweaked enough to be better than the first game, and the vibes are different in a great way. The only way I can describe it is that the first game has damp blue scifi vibes and this game has dusty orange scifi vibes. Distinct but still similar. I really like the story of this game too, though I will say the second half of the game can be frustrating due to the... difficulty of keeping a consistent party. IYKYK. I'm really loving it so far though :) one of the best stories of a megaten game I've ever played, though I have such a big soft spot for the first game too.

this is one of the weirder megaten titles i've played. i'm currently trying to make my way through it, but i hate the controls more than life itself. the music is pretty good, i didnt know DDS's hunt music is from this game! i'm trying to get myself to have a good time with it, but i'm really struggling. i might give maken shao a shot, but i don't know how that game compares really.


WOW. This is definitely my favorite rpgmaker game of all time. I love the visuals and the intensely atmospheric music. A reasonably short experience if you want something fun to go through in an afternoon or two.

This game unironically makes me crazy. I personally like the novelization more, but this is because the encounter rate bothers me a little and I like Godai's take on the story more. I still adore this game though! the visuals and storytelling are so amazing, and I love myself a good scifi apocalypse story. It has a very strong cast of characters and honestly one of my favorite in Megami Tensei haha. I'd recommend this one if you're looking for a classic jrpg with just enough junk to keep things interesting.

I ADORE THIS GAME. It has one of my favorite video game stories of like all time, especially considering its dissection of trauma and making up for past mistakes. the queer subtext was so real but it isn't the most important part of the story. I adore tatsuya suou also. coolest guy