Still a little disappointed that Valve followed up the incredible Orange Box with two zombie shooters that were fine.


There's really something to be said about the minimalism in this game. I think there was just a jump and action button, and a color palette almost entirely black and white, but PlayDead wrings a really strong puzzle adventure out of it.

Not particularly scary and the story comes off as bargain-bin Stephen King. Honestly the part I liked the most about this game was using both light and conventional weapons in tandem against enemies.

Among the most creative games I've ever played, one where every level feels like a separate game with its own set of rules and style.

Replayed in 2021 to prepare for Psychonauts 2. Better than I remembered! Went for 100% completion this time. Bumping up half a star.

What a curveball! It's clear Kojima had a lot of important (and in restrospect, correct) things to say with this game, I just wish the game itself were more fun.

A very strong MetroidVania game. Where's the sequel?

I probably would have liked this more if I was into the whole "build your own game!" idea. No! That's your job!

A solid follow-up that provided the iconic scene of the franchise. You know what I'm talking about.

Maybe not the best fighting game ever, but I really loved the character design and variety at play here.

Incredible design and some great storytelling, all designed around an ingenious new mechanic. It's great!

Not the most inventive Zelda game, but quick and fun and still worth a play.

One of the most charming platformers of its crowded era. Doles out upgrades at a perfect pace, great memorable levels, a fun sense of humor. Loses half a star for a needless trivia-based final level.

A mediocre horror game with a fantastic gimmick.

We at the network want a prince with attitude. He's edgy, he's "in your face." You've heard the expression, "let's get busy"? Well, this is a prince who gets "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.


I kind of wish I played this when it first came out, as its definitely something I would have enjoyed. Unfortunately it was a bit too dated by the time I got around to it. I love the recent reboots though.