Seemingly the best of the old Resident Evil games, but it hasn't aged very well. The recent remake feels like the best way to experience Resident Evil 2 now.

Capcom seemed to learn all of the wrong lessons from its predecessor. A fine enough game, memorable really only for its unique setting, but so many missteps too- Where's the horror? What's with the forced co-op play? Why does this feel vaguely racist?

My introduction to the series was playing this on the Wii and I'm not sure any game in the series will top it. Completely accessible for survival horror newbies, incredibly paced despite being twice as long as many RE games. One of my favorites.

Took the best of the "outdated" Resident Evils and updated it with modern-day controls, dynamic cameras, and a few new surprises even for those who knew the original by heart. Great! I will happily play remakes of all the tank-controlled Resident Evils!

Seamlessly transitions the series to first person, and it's still as scary as ever.