A very fun and charming Mario. I love that you can play as different characters, and I love Bowser's passion for powerful rock music and also becoming a castle.

Those flowers need to stop talking to me tho

I love this game. I get it. I think the setting is so rich and really captures the odd sensation of being in a public place that shouldn't be empty, and I love the way Harry's straight-laced goofy dad personality comes out through his slightly weird line reads. It's interesting to compare this game to Resident Evil, because they're such contemporaries, but Silent Hill feels so much gunkier and grungier, bigger, darker.

There's a sense that you're stumbling through something that cannot be fully illuminated in Silent Hill. What happened to create these creatures? Why is there a big moth trying to kill me? Where is my child? These are the eternal questions.

At first, I was scared to play games like this, but after getting acquainted with this murky, segmented nightmare town, I hate to leave.

A perfect game that always feels as tasty and fluid and fun as the first time I played it. I love collecting gems >:-)

Riding a scooter means you can solve crimes fast :-)

My favourite part was when the game's developer, Grace Bruxner, appeared to tell me that the frog detective was spreading misinformation about literature.

So this is what Limp Bizkit were talking about.

This game does carry some of the vibes that made the first Spyro great, but ultimately it's such a frustrating mess that every moment I spend playing it feels deeply regretful.

Why make the main goal a relatively chill one for most of the game until you suddenly gotta agonisingly collect 40 orbs to face Ripto? Hate.

A really interesting little exercise in satire, and quite nicely done in terms of commentary on the games industry landscape and how it's changed in the past 30 odd years from both corporate, consumer, and developer perspectives.

The design is quite nice as well, it uses uses some existing screens from the first set of Pokémon games in a slightly more inventive way than most standard rom hacks. A little bit of thought goes a long way there.

The tomes that tell you some background on Tajiri's history are quite beautifully presented too. Cute, real, and a bit sad :'-)

I can't believe it. I finally played through this legendary game, and it is more than deserving of its status as a touching, gorgeous exploration of guilt, trauma, and wrongdoing.

I loved how the dialogue performances, while much better acted than the first game in the series, seem subtly self-aware of tropey and strange voice acting in games enough to lean into the oddness of the medium to emphasise erratic, nonsensical behaviour in all of its characters - but very, very effectively in James in particular.

Maria is also, while a sort of surface level, cringe female character, also a pretty interesting note on gender and how men see women. A hollow ghost of male visions of womanhood made alive, pathetic, desperate, and ultimately, discarded and disgusting to her own creator.

The Historical Society sequence is my favourite part of the game. It's unbelievably well-designed. A gorgeous, disorientating, hellish environment. The holes are iconic. And I would, most certainly, dive in.

I love this game but I never realised until this replay just how endlessly filled with cutscenes it is. Not my favourite one to replay, but I stay stanning Maester Seymour.

I have recently been playing this again in 2024, and despite the sad lack of possibility that I'll come upon an organic, glorious green streetpass light in my daily travels through the streets to pick up a Coke Zero, etc (I blame the people - get your 3DSes back out NOW!), the special little delight of seeing all those Miis and making them do small tasks in one thousand mini games has never yet been topped.

Like a million people, I crave some interaction and customisability and silly fun built-in stuff like this on newer consoles. Give me the funny little people!

Streetpass is forever, and I will get those last puzzle pieces if it kills me. I will not stop.

I like when the evil baby becomes a muscly hunk. Powerful game.

I had a pretty good time playing through this game. The plot leaves a lot to be desired and the game feels aggressively linear, but the combat is pretty interesting and fun, and I particularly loved a lot of the enemy designs. The summons can become motorbikes and stuff. That's cool and good. I really love the way Orphan looks, and the goth gibberish it spouts before battle.

The missions feel kinda tacked on to me - do I like running around the Gran Pulse plains over and over? Not really. But it is nice to have ONE thing to do other than progress the story. I just wish, more than anything, that the crystarium wasn't locked off and you could just do as much of it as you wanted from the beginning. That alone would make the game ten times better.

My ultimate conclusion is: it's ok.

The third Spyro instalment is a huge improvement on the hyper frustrating Spyro 2, and although I do think this game lacks some of the charm and craft of the first, a lot of the stuff in here is really fun. It's a nice bridging of the gaps between the first and second games.

Also: eggs are good.

This app feels incredibly poorly thought out. It's extremely slow. It tutorialises everything to an extreme and does this right after you wake up. It wants you to put your phone on your mattress but not turn the screen off or unplug it! Every action takes five thousand years. A deeply boring, unsmooth embarrassment.