Bro I love beating up a massive muscly dragon by shaking my hips from side to side more than anything.

Nothing feels better than waking up, turning on the TV, and running towards 3 ghosts that turn out to be angry anthropomorphised dumbbells and squeezing your ring a few times to piss them off.

The gym is over, it's Ringfit time now. I just reached 2000 squats. I am the squat master. I will never stop.

The third Spyro instalment is a huge improvement on the hyper frustrating Spyro 2, and although I do think this game lacks some of the charm and craft of the first, a lot of the stuff in here is really fun. It's a nice bridging of the gaps between the first and second games.

Also: eggs are good.

I had a pretty good time playing through this game. The plot leaves a lot to be desired and the game feels aggressively linear, but the combat is pretty interesting and fun, and I particularly loved a lot of the enemy designs. The summons can become motorbikes and stuff. That's cool and good. I really love the way Orphan looks, and the goth gibberish it spouts before battle.

The missions feel kinda tacked on to me - do I like running around the Gran Pulse plains over and over? Not really. But it is nice to have ONE thing to do other than progress the story. I just wish, more than anything, that the crystarium wasn't locked off and you could just do as much of it as you wanted from the beginning. That alone would make the game ten times better.

My ultimate conclusion is: it's ok.

I genuinely hate it so much. The controls are agony. The story and characters are unbearably dull. The repetition of tutorial info you literally just heard is constant. And Link is, unfortunately, kinda ugly.

This little man cannot jump onto a vine correctly to save his life. I despise him.

Every moment of this game feels so good, it's funny, well-designed, and satisfying, but most importantly, Swomp is my little baby man 🥰

I came out on top of this agonising game and collected every last gem, but the photo-taking missions killed me dead. The game is punishing me at every moment for going along with stalking those two teen lifeguards. Help me.

As a kid who, 1. was obsessed with a little Goofy doll as a small child, and 2. became rapidly enamoured with the Final Fantasy series after I got my hands on FF7 as a 6 year old, the hotly anticipated release of Kingdom Hearts felt as if God had looked inside my mind and decided to grant me a wish for being so epic. To this day I love the feeling of bashing people with a big key (in Kingdom Hearts). The combat still feels fluid and extremely satisfying even with the retroactive comparison to more polished later games, which is really nice. The collecting and unlocking (heh) is perfect (I love reuniting an endless sequence of puppies and being given gummies for doing so). Also I love that Clayton from Tarzan is absolutely ready to shoot a young boy at any moment. Other people might have magical or fantasy-infused weapons, but Clayton has shotgun. Good for him.

I never really thought that the plot of this game was all that weird growing up, but to be honest, hearing Donald Duck go "BWTWTUIWTUIWTYWTYTAUHagJAGH" during emotionally heavier scenes is deeply funny, and Mickey Mouse showing up for one second at the end to go "yeah idk close this door on me I guess, see ya" is undeniably a shocking moment. Too much for my little heart.

Anyway this game is iconic and perfect. Thank you.

This is such a fun, refreshing and addictive new addition to the Pokémon canon. Despite some jank in graphical glitches, some gameplay elements that feel a little too catered to young children, and some character designs I wasn't too fond of, I really loved this. I love running around in the wilderness with my little creatures, I love wearing a three piece suit (cool), and I love the way the game makes it rewarding to keep battling and catching the same Pokémon as you make your way across the land. Also having a smart phone in feudal Japan is funny. Thank you.

I love the fact that Peach can blast everyone in her vicinity with a big OP gun. That's feminism.

As a kid I obsessed over this game, but only had the demo. That snippet was enough to captivate me for YEARS. I loved the humour, the inventive characters, design, and quests, and the jaunty music that went along with it. The evil pig bags are always on my mind.

Kirby can suck up literally anything in this filthy universe and I love every second of it. Also the absolute narrative curve ball the game throws out in the last level is iconic. Love u Kirby 🥰

I would do anything for Barry.